Power BI 12 Νοεμβρίου, 2020έωςJeroen ter Heerdt Our anomaly detection algorithm detects that there is an anomaly this month: Anomaly Detection is in preview! Also, we are announcing a preview of the new Field List and the Model View. We are adding a fan-favorite: the...
to open a dialog listing several of the most used keyboard shortcuts for Power BI reports. Given all the accessibility work we’ve done recently in Power BI desktop, we decided it was time for this dialog to be revamped. So this month, you’ll see a completely new shortcut dialog with ...
Creating new columns for tables from Power BI semantic models or Analysis Services models Creating visuals that use columns from different data sources You can remove a table from your model using the field list, to keep models as concise, and lean as possible (if you connect to a perspective...
Creating new columns for tables from Power BI semantic models or Analysis Services models Creating visuals that use columns from different data sources You can remove a table from your model using the field list, to keep models as concise, and lean as possible (if you connect to a perspective...
The menu allows fields in the well to be moved up or down in the Fields list. The menu also allows moving the field to other wells, such as Legend or Value or others. Types of accessibility features Power BI provides the capability to create accessible reports, but as the report author,...
Power BI 公共 web 效果:https://demo.jiaopengzi.com/pbi/163-full.html 但笔者在做模型的时候,发现每次都需要手动拉取字段,特别是重度 Power BI 用户;另外当前存在的一个问题就是手动在 Power BI DAX 编辑器中写的NAMEOF函数无法实现字段参数效果;具体可以参考如下文章: ...
字段窗格中的列表(在当前版本的 Power BI Desktop 中称为“数据”窗格)正在 Power BI Desktop 的模型视图、表视图和报表视图中实现统一。 统一这些视图可为各个视图的功能和用户界面(UI)创建一致性,并解决客户反馈问题。 视图中有以下更改: 意象 搜索功能 ...
切片(Slicer)是PowerBI内置的图表,该图表会根据数据的类型,提供不同的类型,切片的类型有:List、Dropdown、Between、Before、After和Relative,设计人员可以通过 设置切片的类型。 例如,如果切片的数据是Date类型的,把切片的类型设置为 Between,用户可以选择连续的日期区间。
Power BI, with its rich repertoire of custom visuals and chart types, proves to be an invaluable asset in leveraging thebenefits of data visualization. Whether it’s an animated bar chart or a comprehensive list of Power BI visuals and charts, the platform offers a diverse range of options....
Power BI模块 最近更新: 2025年1月16日 主题: Power BI是一个应用程序,它允许您可视化数据并向利益相关者展示数据。 它可以获取来自各种来源的数据。 NOTE Workfront Fusion不是数据源。 虽然Workfront Fusion可以创建和使用数据源,但它不会存储您的数据。访问...