模組: MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Admin 擷取租使用者的加密金鑰。SyntaxPowerShell 複製 Get-PowerBIEncryptionKey []Description擷取組織租使用者系統管理員所新增的加密金鑰。執行此命令之前,請確定您使用 Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount 登入。此 Cmdlet 需要呼叫使用者成為Power BI 服務的租使用者系統管理員。
Make sure the current encryption key and new version of key is valid. Grant wrap and unwrap key permissions for Power BI service in the Azure Key Vault.Before you run this command, make sure you log in using Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount. This cmdlet requires the calling user to be a ...
Data encryption can be enhanced by applying file-level encryption via Microsoft Intune, a software service that provides mobile device and application management. All three platforms for which Power BI Mobile is available support Intune. With Intune enabled and configured, data on the mobile device...
MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Admin 更新Power BI 容量的加密金鑰。 語法 PowerShell Set-PowerBICapacityEncryptionKey-KeyName<String>-CapacityId<Guid> [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Set-PowerBICapacityEncryptionKey-KeyName<String>-Capacity<Capacity> [<CommonParameters>] ...
This update fixes an issue where any error would cause Power BI to repeatedly display an “Encryption Support” prompt. MariaDB (updated connector) This update includes a fix for misreported COLUMN_SIZE for the VARCHAR data type. Service ...
at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.CommonUtilities.AsymmetricKeyEncryptionHelper.ProduceAsymmetricKey(String containerName, Boolean cleanUpOldKeys)at Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.Common.Diagnostics.PipelineTelemetryService.ExecuteInActivity[T](PipelineActivityType pipelineActivityType, Func`1 action)at ...
To me the error indicates that there is an issue with the encryption and the SSL certificate where you are trying to connect to? Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution! Proud to be a Super User! Power BI Blog Message 2 of 4 1,933 Views 0 Reply Helpful resou...
PowerBI still check that the server certificate is valid when an insecure connection is requested, while the server enforces encryption yet has a self-signed fallback certificate. Clients using an ADO.NET provider are able to connect to the server either when "Encrypt connection" is t...
software programs or services that you use in connection with the Services. We strongly encourage you, where available and appropriate, to take measures to protect the Data, including without limitation using encryption technology to protect the Data from unauthorized access and routinely arch...
software programs or services that you use in connection with the Services. We strongly encourage you, where available and appropriate, to take measures to protect the Data, including without limitation using encryption technology to protect the Data from unauthorized access and routinely arch...