Power BI Embedded 设置 创建Microsoft Entra 租户 注册Power BI 应用 配置凭据 编辑应用权限 自动安装应用 性能最佳做法 监视Power BI Embedded 嵌入内容 使用服务主体进行嵌入 结合使用服务主体和证书进行嵌入 为客户嵌入内容 为组织嵌入内容 为国家/地区云嵌入内容 在应用中嵌入报表供客户使用 在组织的应用中嵌入报表...
This Power BI tutorial is a step-by-step guide for learning Power BI from the basics. Learn Power BI concepts like data visualization and creating reports.
開啟Power BI 服務 (app.powerbi.com),然後在左側導覽中選取 [學習]。 在[學習中心] 頁面的 [範例報表] 底下,捲動直至您看到 [零售分析範例] 爲止。 選取範例。 其會以 [閱讀] 模式開啟。 Power BI 會匯入内建範例,並將儀表板、報表和語意模型新增至您目前的工作區。
In this tutorial, you perform the following tasks: Create a consumer group on your IoT hub. Create and configure an Azure Stream Analytics job to read temperature telemetry from your consumer group and send it to Power BI. Create a report of the temperature data in Power BI and share it ...
In the Power BI service, you can accomplish many different tasks, and this tutorial can help you get started. For an understanding of how the Power BI service fits in with the other Power BI offerings, we recommend reading What is Power BI?
user. These features give the user only the data cared about, while denying access to data that shouldn’t be exposed to that user. As this operation is done on the Token generation, it is considered secured from Power BI side.Learn more about using CustomData for Power BI Embedded. ...
Learn to use the two embedded analytics solutions, Power BI Embedded, and embedding using Power BI Premium.
For more information about using indicators as KPIs, seeTutorial: Adding a KPI to Your Report (Report Builder). Note You can publish indicators separately from a report as report parts. Read more aboutReport Parts. However, report parts are deprecated for all releases of SQL Server Reporting Se...
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Maximum Storage Duration: PersistentType: HTML Local Storage YtIdbMeta#databasesUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content. Maximum Storage Duration: PersistentType: IndexedDB yt-remote-ca...
Report Designeris a sophisticated design environment that developers and IT pros use for embedded reporting in their applications. In Report Designer they can create operational reports, shared data sources, and shared datasets, and author report viewer controls. ...