基本主题Power BI 预设了十多种基本主题,2023年2月,Power BI 又新增了5个无障碍基本主题来帮助视力障碍人士。依照WCAG标准,形状图形与相邻颜色的对比度至少为3:1。新的无障碍主题符合这一要求。 自定义主题自定义主题可以很简单,也可以很复杂,简单的自定义主题只需要在 Power BI Desktop 中设置即可。复杂的自定义...
visualName是视觉对象的名称,具体名称可参考:https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-report-themes#visualstyles-definition-list styleName为样式名称,目前始终为星号"*"。 cardName是视觉对象中的格式卡,参考同上; propertyName是格式卡中的视觉对象属性。参考:https://learn.microsoft....
Along the left side of Power BI Desktop are icons for the three Power BI Desktop views: Report, Data, and Model, from top to bottom. The current view is indicated by the yellow bar along the left, and you can change views by selecting any of the icons....
The left side of Power BI Desktop has icons for the three Power BI Desktop views: Report, Data, and Model. By selecting any of the icons along the left, you can change the current view. If you’re using keyboard navigation, press Ctrl + F6 to move the focus to that section of butto...
本文内容 Power BI Desktop 工作原理 安装并运行 Power BI Desktop 连接到数据 调整数据 合并数据 生成报表 共享工作 后续步骤 --> 欢迎使用 Power BI Desktop 入门指南。Welcome to the getting started guid
Please continue sending us your feedback and don’t forget tovotefor other features that you’d like to see in Power BI Desktop. For any preview features, you can always give us your feedback in our activecommunity forum. We hope that you enjoy the update!
To enable the feature on in Power BI Desktop, you will need to go to File > Options and Settings > Options > Report settings for the current file and make surePersonalize visuals (preview)is turned on. When you enable this setting for a given report, all visuals in that report will hav...
Learn how to apply customized conditional formatting to tables and matrixes in Power BI, including color gradients, data bars, KPI icons, and web links.
每个月,Microsoft研发团队都会根据当下流行的功能和综合用户反馈的问题、意见对Power BI Desktop进行调档升级。在2019年7月版中,Microsoft就针对该产品的许多现有功能进行了渐进式改进,例如关键影响者可视化计数体验和RLS对聚合的支持。为了解决这个问题,新版本中提供了几个关键功能——通常可用的新过滤器窗格和聚合。当然...
APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI service The matrix visual is similar to a table. A table supports two dimensions and the data is flat, meaning duplicate values are displayed and not aggregated. A matrix makes it easier to display data meaningfully across multiple dimensions--it supports ...