在Power BI 中整个 Excel 工作簿脱机时将不可用。 如果你在连接时查看了 Reporting Services KPI,那么脱机时也可以对其进行查看。 不会在后台刷新报表和 KPI。 而是每次打开它们时将其刷新。 在Power BI 移动应用中,看不到已保存到 Power BI 报表服务器的 Power BI Desktop (PBIX) 文件。
Is it possible to insert an offline map in Power BI desktop? If so - how? - I've tried exporting the map data and reconnecting the map to the new CSV file - I've tried using the Mapbox visual (which I've heard works offline) When running without an Internet connection, neither wor...
Hvis du har brug for at se den nyeste version af den rapport, du arbejdede med i Power BI-tjeneste (app.powerbi.com), skal du se rapporten der.Arbejder offlineLad os sige, at du arbejder i Power BI Desktop uden en internetforbindelse, og du åbner en rapport med en AppSource ...
When you import your Power BI Desktop file from OneDrive or SharePoint Online, you load data and model information into a semantic model in Power BI. After that, you refresh the semantic model in the Power BI service because that's what your reports are based on. Because the data sources...
If you need to see the latest version of the report that you worked on in the Power BI service (app.powerbi.com), you need to view the report there.Working offlineSay you're working in Power BI Desktop without an internet connection and you open a report with an AppSource Power BI ...
The new app updates your dashboards every couple of hours and caches them for future use. With this cache, you can reference Power BI while offline and feel confident that your insights are no more than a few hours out of date. There's no need to prepare for an offline period – upda...
In Excel for Microsoft 365 and Excel 2021, Power View is removed on October 12, 2021. As an alternative, you can use the interactive visual experience provided byPower BI Desktop,which you can download for free. You can also easilyImport Excel workbooks into Power BI Desktop. ...
New offline capabilities for Power BI Mobile apps Announcements március 15, 2016készítette:RomiP Koifman Are you going to be offline for a few hours, but still need access to recent Power BI reports and dashboards? We’ve got you covered! With the latest release of Power BI Mobile apps...
Belangrijk:In Excel voor Microsoft 365 en Excel 2021 wordt Power View op 12 oktober 2021 verwijderd. Als alternatief kunt u de interactieve visuele ervaring vanPower BI Desktop gebruiken,die u gratis kunt downloaden. U kunt ook eenvoudigExcel-werkmappen importeren in Power BI Desktop. ...
Billeder er gode til at gøre et billede mere visuelt indbydende Power View et ark i Excel eller til Power View i SharePoint. Du kan: Tilføjstatiske billedersom en baggrund, f.eks. et vandmærke eller som et designelement, f.eks. et firmalogo. ...