Power BI 服务中的自动页面刷新还可为已发布到 Power BI 服务的报表设置自动页面刷新,前提是数据源为 DirectQuery。为Power BI 服务中的报表配置自动页面刷新时,步骤类似于 Power BI Desktop。 在 Power BI 服务中配置时,自动页面刷新还支持嵌入式 Power BI 内容。 此图显示了 Power BI 服务的“页面刷新”配置:...
Power BI Desktop 中的深色模式 Power BI Desktop 中的优化功能区 OneDrive 集成 使用报表视图 更新的“格式”和“可视化效果”窗格 对象上交互 自动生成的快速报表 Copilot for Power BI 启用自动页面刷新 用性能分析器检查报表元素 将视觉对象元素添加到报表 ...
Scheduling Automatic Refreshes for your Data in Power BI Desktop Automatic refresh is a useful feature that allows you to schedule data refreshes at regular intervals. This ensures that your reports and visuals are always up-to-date. To set up automatic refresh, you need to first enable it in...
Automatic refresh every 15 mins in power BI 10-19-2019 05:09 AM Hello, I have some data in SQL that I would like to set up dashboards for a screen in the factory that continually updates (or at least every 15 minutes). PowerBI won't work for this due to the frequency. ...
Power BI Desktop is a powerful business intelligence software that allows users to easily create reports and visualize data. One important feature of Power BI is the ability to refresh data, which ensures that the data in your reports is up-to-date and accurate. In this article, we will exp...
Power BI Desktop June 2020 Feature Summary Announcements Features Power BI 10 juni, 2020 efter Sujata Narayana We have great updates this release! We’re super excited to announce this month that several features are now generally available: automatic page refresh, the hierarchy slicer, the modern...
Performance analyzer in Desktop: change detection measure show up in the performance analyzer for authors to optimize the measure itself. Automatic page refresh queries show up as visuals refreshing every interval set up by the author. Capacity metrics app: all queries generated by these capabilities...
Solved: Hi, I need a help. I can't setup schedule refresh because I am getting an error. That error appears in Power BI Service. After publish .pbix
建模功能 实时连接(Live Connect)可显示模型视图 使用Power BI Desktop连接到SSAS和Power BI Service在线数据集的时候可以显示模型视图,自由创建多种布局,支持查看和修改度量值属性。目前此功能处于预览阶段,可以从报表设置中关闭。 原文链接
If you rename a workspace after the DirectQuery connection has been set up you need to update the data source in Power BI Desktop for the report to continue working. Automatic page refresh (APR) is only supported for some scenarios, depending on the data source type. For more information, ...