使用Power BI [發佈至 Web] 選項,您可以輕鬆地在部落格文章、網站、電子郵件或社交媒體中內嵌互動式 Power BI 內容。 您也可以輕鬆地編輯、更新、重新整理或停止共用已發佈的視覺效果。警告 當您使用 [發佈至 Web]時,因特網上的任何人都可以檢視已發佈的報表或視覺效果。 檢視不需要驗證。 它包括查看報表匯總的...
Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights. Connect to get easy access to the data in your Power BI dashboards, reports and datasets.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Power BI Pro in Microsoft 365 E5, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft, July 2023. As of October 2023, some Microsoft 365 and Office 365 suites no longer include Microsoft Teams. Subscribers to those plans ...
Hi, I'm getting 'failed to connect to the url https //api.powerbi.com while attempting to call cluster resolution' error when i'm trying to open the
现在打开 Web 服务页面,然后在 _PowerBI 上筛选该页面。 您的新页面和查询现已作为 Web 服务发布。如此模块的前面单元使用Business Central 作为 Power BI 中的数据源所述,利用适用于 Power BI 的 Business Central 连接器,您现在可以使用 Power BI Desktop,并会看到这些新的 Web 服务和 API。下...
Hi, I'm getting 'failed to connect to the url https //api.powerbi.com while attempting to call cluster resolution' error when i'm trying to open the
您可以使用 Power BI REST API 來建立資料並傳送到推送語意模型和串流語意模型。 當您使用 Power BI REST API 建立語意模型時,defaultMode 旗標會指定要推送還是串流處理語意模型。如果未設定任何 defaultMode 旗標,語意模型預設為推送語意模型。 如果將 defaultMode 值設定為 pushStreaming,語意模型既是推送和...
Provides basic information and how to connect to your data, along with the supported file types and instructions on using the on-premises data gateway and authentication types.
Step 3: Type “Web” in the search box and select web as your data source. Click on theConnectbutton to start your Power BI JSON connection. Step 4: AFrom Webdialogue box will appear on your screen. Enter the URLhttps://anapioficeandfire.com/api/as the first part and“houses/”as...
Publish to web is supported for the vast majority of data sources and reports in the Power BI service. However, the following kinds of reports are currently not supported or available with Publish to web:Reports using row-level security. Reports connecting to data using DirectQuery. Connect ...