切片(Slicer)是PowerBI内置的图表,该图表会根据数据的类型,提供不同的类型,切片的类型有:List、Dropdown、Between、Before、After和Relative,设计人员可以通过 设置切片的类型。 例如,如果切片的数据是Date类型的,把切片的类型设置为 Between,用户可以选择连续的日期区间。 四,隐藏切片 把切片隐藏(Hide)起来,使用户查看...
Power BI Conditional Formatting allows users to custom-code cells with respect to color and field values to better understand what significance a set of cells corresponds to in terms of information for better decision-making.Extending on that, Power BI also allows users to picture data as data ...
Conditional formatting support for visual calculations (preview)[blog][video][article] Note See thedata sources available to Power BI Desktop. Our list is always growing, so check back often. Modeling Live edit of semantic models in Direct Lake mode with Power BI Desktop - updates (preview)[bl...
On top of this, we are releasing several other features, including rectangular lasso select across visuals, conditional formatting for totals and subtotals, Direct Query support for AI visuals: decomposition tree and key influencers, several updates to Q&A, and more! » 詳細を読む Power BI ...
Learn how to apply customized conditional formatting to tables and matrixes in Power BI, including color gradients, data bars, KPI icons, and web links.
通过Power BI 中表和矩阵的条件格式设置,你可以根据字段值指定自定义单元格颜色,包括颜色渐变。 还可以用数据栏、KPI 图标或 web 链接来表示单元格值。 可以将条件格式应用到任何文本或数据字段,只要你基于具有数字、颜色名称或十六进制代码的字段,或 web URL 值来设置格式即可。
Learn how to apply customized conditional formatting to tables and matrixes in Power BI, including color gradients, data bars, KPI icons, and web links.
Power BI 新式功能区 Power BI Desktop 中的深色模式 Power BI Desktop 中的优化功能区 OneDrive 集成 使用报表视图 更新的“格式”和“可视化效果”窗格 对象上交互 自动生成的快速报表 Copilot for Power BI 启用自动页面刷新 用性能分析器检查报表元素 ...
基于Power BI中日期的条件格式 datetime powerbi conditional-formatting 我正在尝试在Power BI中获取一个日期/时间,以便在它超过某个日期时进行有条件的格式化。 我找到了一个公式,据说我可以用它来实现条件格式,但由于某种原因,这个公式似乎对我不起作用;我不熟悉Power-Bi语法。 如果调度数据超过了关键调度时间,...
Specify conditional visibility based on a parameter.Hidden property for a tablix. UseTablix Properties Dialog Box, Visibility.=Not Parameters!<boolean parameter>.Value Specify a date formatted for a specific culture.Value for a placeholder inside of a text box in a data region. UseTextbox Properti...