使用Power BI 中資料表和矩陣的條件式格式設定,您可以根據欄位值,指定自訂的資料格色彩,包括色彩漸層。 您也可以使用資料橫條或 KPI 圖示,或以作用中網頁連結的形式表示儲存格值。 您可以將條件式格式設定套用到任何文字或資料欄位,只要以具有數值、色彩名稱或十六進位代碼或 Web URL 值的欄位上的格設定式為依...
In this article, I’m going to discuss how to create a conditional column in Power BI. A conditional column is just another column that is generated based on a condition imposed on an existing column. A simple use case would be to categorize users as Child or Adult based on age. Solutio...
게시물 태그: Conditional Columns Power BI Desktop April update feature summary Announcements 4월 28, 2016 :Filip Karadzic Another month, another set of improvements for Power BI Desktop. Learn more about the updates we added on this monthly release including new connectors, additional ...
With Power BI conditional formatting, you can change the colors of your charts based on conditions. Let’s plot a clustered column chart that shows the sum of the ages of people split into their various races. The following screenshot shows how you can create such a visualization The output ...
在Power BI Desktop 中,可以将设计更改应用于整个报表。 借助主题,可以使用公司颜色、更改图标集或应用新的默认视觉格式。 在你应用某个报表主题后,报表中的所有视觉对象都会使用选定主题中的颜色和格式。 若要了解详细信息,请参阅使用报表主题。此处已将“创新”主题应用于报表。报表主题在 Power BI 服务中不可用...
Power BI ignores some format changes of existing columns. For example, if you change a column’s format from 0.25 to 25%. Say you have a refresh schedule that is configured for your existing semantic model in Power BI. When you add new data sources to your file and then republish, you...
The CALENDAR function is one of the “date & time” functions of DAX, which allows you to get a calendar table with a continuous set of dates based on the given start date and end date. In other words, the CALENDAR function returns a table named “Date” with a single column having ...
To format the Color column based on its field values, select Conditional formatting for the Color field, and then select Background color or Font color. In the Background color or Font color dialog box, select Field value from the Format style drop-down field. An example table with color ...
To apply the colors, select Background color or Font color conditional formatting for the Affordability column, and base the formatting on the Field value of the Affordability rank column.The example table with Affordability background color based on calculated Affordability rank looks like this:...
Creating a formula is frequently faster than using the Power BI conditional formatting dialogue to create several rules. For example, depending on current Affordability column values, the following algorithm assigns hex color values to a new Affordability rank column: Credit: Microsoft Documentation ...