This advanced data model management usage scenario is one of the content management and deployment scenarios. For a complete list of the self-service usage scenarios, see Power BI usage scenarios. For brevity, some aspects described in the content collaboration and delivery scenarios to...
On-premises data gateway: Allows multiple users to connect to multiple on-premises data sources. With a single gateway installation, you can use an on-premises data gateway with all supported services. This gateway is well suited to complex scenarios in which multiple people access multiple data ...
Scenarios: Performing Complex Calculations DAX formulas can perform complex calculations that involve custom aggregations, filtering, and the use of conditional values. This section provides examples of how to get started with custom calculations.
Azure AS migration scenarios: Optimize ribbon in Power BI Desktop is now GA! We are excited to announce the general availability of the Optimize ribbon in Power BI Desktop. The Optimize ribbon can help you improve your report authoring experience with three...
PowerBI DAX终极指南(圣经)第二版全球发售开始 不用多说,PowerBI的用户都知道本书是世界范围对PowerBI DAX解释最权威的著作。目前在微软书店(正式发售。 发售信息如下: 注意:2019年7月11日出版。 第二版主要内容 Now expanded and updated with modern best practices, this is the ...
Power BI Home in Desktop Power BI Home is a redesigned home to provide a familiar and centralized “home” for all your Power BI activities within the desktop application. Our aim is to enhance your productivity and make it easier to discover and consume content. ...
Saving and sharing heatmap views isn't yet supported. Get started with cascading scorecards in Power BI Scenarios: When to use hierarchies in Power BI scorecards 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 询问社区
The decomposition tree isn't supported in the following scenarios:On-premises Analysis Services AI splits aren't supported in the following scenarios:Azure Analysis Services Power BI Report Server Publish to Web Complex measures and measures from extensions schemas in 'Analyze'...
It is found from the simulation scenarios that the proposed method has an accuracy of more than 97%. Different fault locations are estimated in this research with an error of not more than 0.45%. Moreover, it is found from the fault classification and location that the time difference ...
To learn more about this behavior, see using composite models in Power BI Desktop.Supported scenariosYou can build composite models using data from Power BI semantic models or Analysis Services models to service the following scenarios:Connecting to data from various sources: Import (such as files)...