咨询,excel导入..那是表头,默认没有将表格的第一行作为表头,点击“将第一行用作标题”按钮就行了。Power BI问题可以在https://pbihub.cn/上提问,更快的得到更专业的回复
在Power BI Desktop 中,可以使用 Power Query 编辑器向模型添加新的自定义数据列。 利用 Power Query 编辑器,可以创建和重命名自定义列,从而创建 PowerQuery M 公式查询,用于定义自定义列。 PowerQuery M 公式查询包含全面的函数引用内容集。在 Power Query 编辑器中创建自定义列时,Power BI Desktop 会将其作为...
column(CustomerNo; "Customer No.") { } column(PostingDate; "Posting Date") { } column(Amount; "Amount (LCY)") { } 删除tquery代码片段向对象添加的其他一切内容。 查询现在应如下所示: al-language query 50101 CustomerLedgers { QueryType = Normal; DataAccessIntent = ReadOnly; elements { data...
The column of the table wasn't found This error is commonly triggered when a step makes a direct reference to a column name that doesn't exist in the query. Example: You have a query from a text file where one of the column names wasColumn. In your query, you have a step that ren...
DAX - PowerBI does not recognize Boolean Column 11-29-2022 05:10 AM Hi, I've a table from my sql dedicated pool in Azure Synapse (SQL Server 12) with all the version of applications in our server, date and obsolence (boolean). The "Obsolescense" field is declared as B...
the index when the first query that requests a substring search on the column is executed. The index is built for text columns that contain ASCII characters only. Once the index is built, substring search becomes instant. Note that the index is not persisted between restarts of Power BI ...
In this release of Power BI Desktop, we’ve added several new data label capabilities to column, bar, and waterfall charts to help you design your visuals with labels that look great. First, if you try to turn on data labels and none show, we’ll let you know right away and suggest ...
APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceWhen you're editing a report in Power BI, you can choose a column to define the sort order of another column. Here's a common example. You have a Month Name column, and when you add it to a visual, the months are being sorted ...
Below are three ways to add DAX formulas within Power Bi. Use the Add Column button in the Modeling ribbon to create a custom column. This will open the Formula Bar, where you can enter your DAX formula. You can also add DAX formulas to measures. To do this, open the Measure pane an...
Power BI Desktop Power BI 服务 借助Power Query 编辑器中的“从示例中添加列”,通过为新列提供一个或多个示例值,可以将新列添加到数据模型。 可以通过所选内容创建新列示例,或基于表中的所有现有列提供输入。 在以下情况下,使用“从示例中添加列”快速轻松地创建新列: ...