咨询,excel导入..那是表头,默认没有将表格的第一行作为表头,点击“将第一行用作标题”按钮就行了。Power BI问题可以在https://pbihub.cn/上提问,更快的得到更专业的回复
column(CustomerNo; "Customer No.") { } column(PostingDate; "Posting Date") { } column(Amount; "Amount (LCY)") { } 删除tquery代码片段向对象添加的其他一切内容。 查询现在应如下所示: al-language query 50101 CustomerLedgers { QueryType = Normal; DataAccessIntent = ReadOnly; elements { data...
按 Enter 后,Power BI 会基于第一列的值填充新列的其余部分,并将该列命名为“Name & postal abbreviation[12] - Copy”。 现在,请跳到新列的“Massachusetts[E]”行,然后删除字符串的“[E]”部分。 Power BI 可检测更改,并使用该示例创建转换。 Power BI 在“从示例中添加列”窗格中描述转换,并将列重命...
Power BI Report Builder Power BI Desktop 可以控制跨多个页的 Tablix 数据区域(表、矩阵或列表)的分页报表的每页上是否重复行标题和列标题。 控制行和列的方式取决于 Tablix 数据区域是否具有组头。 选择包含组标头的 Tablix 数据区域时,虚线显示 Tablix 区域,如下图所示: ...
The Data type dropdown selection in Power Query Editor has two data types not present in Table view or Report view: Date/Time/Timezone and Duration. When you load a column with these data types into the Power BI model, a Date/Time/Timezone column converts into a Date/time data type,...
DataSource.NotFound: File or Folder: 找不到文件夹“D:\文件夹\*”。 解决方案:重新添加正确的文件夹路径即可。 错误3:未能找到文件 DataSource.Error: 未能找到文件“D:\txt文件.txt”。 解决方案:重新添加正确的文件路径即可。 错误4:外部表不是预期的格式 ...
Power BI Report Builder Power BI Desktop 分页报表中的表、矩阵或列表数据区域可以横向或纵向跨越多个页面。 您可以指定是否在每页上重复显示行标题或列标题。 在交互式呈现器(如 Web 门户或报表预览)中,还可以指定是否冻结行标题或列标题,以便在滚动报表时始终显示标题。 在表或矩阵中,第一行通常包含列...
The query functionality of Power BI Desktop goes to work and contacts the web resource. The Navigator window returns what it found on the web page, in this case an HTML table called Ranking of best and worst states for retirement, and five other suggested tables. You're interested in the ...
You can create and modify paginated report definition (.rdl) files in Microsoft Report Builder,Power BI Report Builder, and in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools. Variations of a Column Chart Stacked. A column chart where multiple series are stacked vertically. If there is only one serie...
There are no dotted lines because the table consists only of the tablix body area. The first row displays column headers, and represents a static tablix member that is not associated with a group. The second row displays detail data, and represents a dynamic tablix member that is associated ...