Learn how to build a sample Power BI visual with code using this step-by-step guide. This sample visual displays a bar chart.
Microsoft Power BI Desktop provides a wide variety of visuals to its users. Sometimes, one wants to conduct a comparative analysis, a simple way to explore the relationship between the data categories within a set hierarchy. Hence, when a decision revolves around understanding the relationship of ...
Sign up for the Power BI service Step 1: Add data to create a report Step 2: Create a chart in a report Step 3: Explore visualizations with Q&A Show 3 more APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceThis tutorial is an introduction to some of the features of the Power BI ...
输入您的 Power BI [密码]。 在应用商店的搜索栏中键入“[bullet]”。 选择[Bullet Chart] 视觉对象旁边的 [添加] 按钮。 导入后选择 [确定] 按钮。 您现在可以看到在“可视化”窗格中 [作为新视觉对象的 Bullet Chart] 图标。 备注 如果您没有 Power BI 登录信息,则可以使用任意浏览...
Learn how to create a dashboard in Power BI in this step-by-step tutorial, from loading your dataset to sharing your completed dashboard with your team.
By using measures, you can create some of the most powerful data analysis solutions in Power BI Desktop. Measures help you by performing calculations on your data as you interact with your reports. This tutorial will guide you through understanding measures and creating your own basic measures in...
采悟:认识PowerBI,开启你的技能提升之旅 采悟:关于Power BI的下载和安装,你想知道的都在这里了 采悟:体验PowerBI:零基础分分钟生成一份交互报表 采悟:使用Power Query是一种什么体验? 采悟:Power BI与PowerQuery、PowerPivot有什么关系? 采悟:PowerQuery,支持从多种源导入数据 采悟:PowerQuery:横向/纵向追加数据 ...
Power BI Desktop Power BI 服务 本教程使用“销售和市场营销示例”,以创建按类别显示销售额的折线图。 将示例 PBIX 文件下载到桌面。 从Power BI Desktop 中,选择“文件”>“打开报表”。 浏览到“销售和营销示例 PBIX”文件并选择该文件,然后选择“打开”。
Bar Chart Custom Visual for tutorial. Contribute to microsoft/PowerBI-visuals-sampleBarChart development by creating an account on GitHub.
Power BI Desktop Power BI 服务 本教程使用“销售和市场营销示例”,以创建按类别显示销售额的折线图。 将示例 PBIX 文件下载到桌面。 从Power BI Desktop 中,选择“文件”>“打开报表”。 浏览到“销售和营销示例 PBIX”文件并选择该文件,然后选择“打开”。