注意 在此教學課程中,會使用 Visual Studio Code 英文英文 (VS Code) 來開發 Power BI 視覺效果。在VS Code 中開啟新的終端機,然後瀏覽到您要在其中建立專案的資料夾。 在PowerShell 終端機中輸入下列命令: PowerShell 複製 pbiviz new CircleCard 在VS Code 檔案總管中開啟 CircleCard 資料夾。 ([檔案]>...
APPLIES TO:Power BI DesktopPower BI service The (new) Card visual in Power BI is a versatile tool for presenting key metrics in a visually appealing format. Each card can display a specific metric, such as total sales or profit growth, and can be customized to reflect your objectives and ...
"use strict";import"./../style/visual.less";importpowerbifrom"powerbi-visuals-api";importVisualConstructorOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualConstructorOptions;importVisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualUpdateOptions;importIVisual = powerbi.extensibility.visual.IVisual;importDat...
The Power BI service opens the new report in My workspace. The report canvas is blank and shows the Filters, Visualizations, and Data panes.Switch between report viewsThe new report opens in Editing view. To view your report in progress, you can switch to the Reading view at the top of ...
View the visual in the Power BI service Add visual elements and text Show 4 more In this tutorial, you develop a Power BI visual named circle card that displays a formatted measure value inside a circle. The circle card visual supports customization of fill color and outline thi...
选择视觉计算,然后选择“确定”。 重启 Power BI Desktop 后,将启用视觉计算。从2024 年 9 月开始,不再需要此步骤,因为默认情况下启用视觉计算。 虽然它们仍处于预览状态,但可以使用上述设置来禁用视觉计算(如果愿意)。添加视觉计算若要添加视觉计算,请选择一个视觉对象,然后选择功能区中的“新建视觉计算”按钮:...
Power BI365 我们都知道,Power BI Visual对于报表可视化而言,还是比较关键的一部分,合适的Visual总是能为我们的仪表板的展现起到画龙点睛的效果,那这一次我们来聊聊如何根据选择显示或隐藏Power BI Visual。 需求 在下面有一个示例报告。如果用户选择左侧类别切片器中的项目,我希望右侧的矩阵出现。如果切片器中没有选择...
Show 5 more Applies to:Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS)Power BI Report BuilderReport Designer in SQL Server Data Tools In paginated reports, indicators are small gauges that convey the state of a single data value at a glance. The icons that represent indicators and their states are simple and...
Let's look at the steps required to use the Power Apps visual in your Power BI report. Power Apps visual is available by default in the Power BI service. If you're using Power BI Desktop and don't see it, you must upgrade to the latest version of Power BI Desktop. ...
强大的数据分析能力:Visual Power BI提供了丰富的数据分析功能,包括数据建模、数据清洗、数据关系建立等。用户可以通过使用这些功能来深入挖掘数据背后的洞察力。 交互式可视化:Visual Power BI允许用户创建交互式报表和仪表板,用户可以通过单击、滚动、缩放等操作与数据进行互动。这使得数据分析更加直观和灵活。