How can we call SAP HANA Stored Procedure in power bi. below is call statement with parameters. call "Test"."Self.CONTRACT::Procedure"('PROD01624','Where-Used') but facing below issue. how can i use this in power bi need your help on this... Thanks, Prashanth. Labels: Need Help ...
Connect to semantic models in the Power BI service Import Excel workbooks Create visuals with the Microsoft Cost Management connector Connect to an Oracle database Enter data directly into Power BI Desktop Connect to webpages Python R Connect to Snowflake in the Power BI service ...
Dataset query or stored procedure with parametersAdd a dataset query that contains variables or a dataset-stored procedure that contains input parameters. A dataset parameter is created for each variable or input parameter, and a report parameter is created for each dataset parameter....
For example, your query might call a stored procedure in which the result set varies with an input parameter, or your query might be SELECT * FROM where the table definition changed. Note IsMissing detects changes in the dataset schema between design time and run time for any type of data...
Call function with parameters invoke -command powershell call method from .Net class library using powershell Call Remote Invoke-Command and Not Wait? Call variable outside function Calling 'Get-Counter' remotely throws error 'Unable to connect to the specified computer or the computer is offline'...
Power BI dedicado Purview Quantum Quota Serviços de Recuperação Recoveryservicesdatareplication Redis Retransmissão Reservas Integridade de recursos Registro de Esquema Pesquisar Segurança DevOps de Segurança Insights de segurança Autoajuda Barramento de Serviço Service Fabric Vinculador de...
Did you know that you can use the Power BI Mobile app to scan a QR code to quickly open a Power BI report? And as of this latest Mobile apps update, you can also add query params to the report URL, so that when a QR code with the URL is scanned, those query params become the...
Use QR codes with URL parameters (Android and iOS) Did you know that you can use the Power BI Mobile app to scan a QR code to quickly open a Power BI report? And as of this latest Mobile apps update, you can also add query params to the report URL, so that when a QR code with...
A wealth of consumer data is collected unobtrusively as a bi-product of consumers’ day-to-day interactions with a firm. Passive data disclosure is different from consumer-initiated sharing of data in that customers are frequently not aware that such data is generated, or stored. Early manifestat...
For a relational data source, if the step that prevents query folding could be achieved in a single SELECT statement—or within the procedural logic of a stored procedure—consider using a native SQL query, as described next. Use a native SQL query: When a Power Query query retrieves data ...