var result=SWITCH(TRUE(),diff>300,CALCULATE([销售金额],DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,YEAR)), diff>80,CALCULATE([销售金额],DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,QUARTER)), diff>20,CALCULATE([销售金额],DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,MONTH)), diff=0,CALCULATE([销售金额],DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,DAY))) r...
在我即将推出的《PowerBI高级》中将更全面地介绍这项技巧的使用。这里,可以创建这样的度量值如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 View.Trend.KPI.Value.Product=CALCULATE([KPI],TREATAS(SUMMARIZE('X.Axis','X.Axis'[Product],'X.Axis'[Year]),'Product'[Category],'Calendar'[YearName])) 可以使用 TREATAS 函数...
View.Trend.KPI.Value.Product = CALCULATE( [KPI] , TREATAS( SUMMARIZE( 'X.Axis' ...
将以下 Power BI 查询直接复制并粘贴到 “获取数据>空白查询” 窗口中。 有关详细信息,请参阅 使用OData 查询的示例报告概述。 复制 let Source = OData.Feed ("{organization}/{project}/_odata/v3.0-preview/TestPointHis...
在Power BI 的 [視覺效果]下,選擇 [折線圖] 和 [堆棧柱形圖],然後將字段拖放到圖表區域。 新增Date.Date至 X 軸,以滑鼠右鍵按下字段,然後選取 [Date.Date],而不是[日期階層]。 將和ResultPassCount新增ResultFailCount至數據行 y 軸。 將 新增PassRate至線條 y 軸。
trend line címkéjű bejegyzések Power BI Service March Update Announcements március 11, 2016készítette:Amanda Cofsky It’s already March, which means we are starting the final countdown to the Microsoft Data Insights Summit on March 22nd and 23rd! We’re all very excited here on the ...
I am a beginner with Power BI and I want to ask for some help with the following calculation.I am transferring my Excel formulas to Power BI and am stuck with the trend function. I have tried various solutions posted on this forum, but none of them returned the expected values.I am ...
If you’re looking to add a trend line to your data visualization in Power BI, you’re in the right place. A trend line is a line that’s drawn atop a chart to help identify overall trends in the data. It’s an incredibly useful tool, especially when you’re dealing with complex ...
If the value from the autocorrelation function is less than 6, we calculate the powers of both candidates normalized by length, and use the value with the higher power. In all other cases, we use the candidate derived from the autocorrelation function ...
To calculate MTD in Power BI, follow these easy steps: Create a new measure by clicking on “New Measure” under the “Modeling” tab in the ribbon. Enter a name for your measure, such as “MTD Sales.” In the formula bar, type the following DAX formula:MTD Sales = CALCULATE(SUM(Sal...