Power BI 1 juillet, 2021parJeroen ter Heerdt Learn how using data can help you understand and improve your business. Power BI lets you easily unify data from many sources to create interactive dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights to drive your business. This training covers an...
Power BI 概觀 產品 定價 解決方案 合作夥伴 資源 社群 搜尋 登入 免費試用 立即購買 Microsoft Power BI 部落格 部落格Power BI Tutorial文章標示:Power BI Tutorial Explore free virtual workshops to help you get started with Power BI Power BI 十二月 14, 2021 由Deepa Rajagopal Workshops and...
開啟Power BI 服務 (app.powerbi.com),然後在左側導覽中選取 [學習]。 在[學習中心] 頁面的 [範例報表] 底下,捲動直至您看到 [零售分析範例] 爲止。 選取範例。 其會以 [閱讀] 模式開啟。 Power BI 會匯入内建範例,並將儀表板、報表和語意模型新增至您目前的工作區。
For this tutorial, we start from scratch by creating a report in the Power BI service rather than through the Desktop. We create a semantic model from a simple Microsoft Excel file that contains sample financial data.Open the Power BI service (app.powerbi.com) in your browser. Don't have...
Power BI 可讓您從 Azure 認知服務存取一組函式,以在數據流的自助數據準備中擴充您的數據。 目前支持的服務包括 情感分析、 關鍵詞組擷取、 語言偵測和影像標記。 轉換會在 Power BI 服務 上執行,而且不需要 Azure 認知服務訂用帳戶。 此功能需要Power BI 進階版。數據...
Resources Buy now Open Power BI Search The Power BI service for business users Overview What is a Power BI business user? Basic concepts and terminology for Power BI business users Take a tour of the Power BI service Get started Find your way around in Power BI Find content using your ...
Looking for advanced tutorial? Find it here Visit also our github Find here Power BI visuals' Samples Custom visual's webinar For technichal questions and help please reach out pbicvsupport@microsoft.com Labels: Custom Visual Custom Visuals Developer Power BI power bi visuals Message 1...
只要您在用Excel PowerPivot或PowerBI来进行数据分析,不久就会发现要掌握这些工具的就必须掌握DAX。然后您很快就会发现在这方面的教学权威是两位意大利的老师:SQLBI.com。 2015年,两位意大利老师出版了《The Definitive Guide to DAX: Business intelligence with Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Power...
https://www.edx.org/course/analyzing-visualizing-data-power-bi-microsoft-dat207x-6 and there are also some videos on the virtual academy from microsoft https://mva.microsoft.com/en-US/training-courses/faster-insights-to-data-with-power-bi-jump-start-82... ...
If you recognize yourself in the following questions, we have just the right tool for you with the Power BI hands-on tutorial for controllers: Do you know which figures are relevant to you, but find it difficult to create a suitable model and link your data in...