Power BI LookUp Value function works optimally when you only require a single value returned. In the case of Multiple Values, the Power BI LookUp Value function will either display the default result set by you in theAlternate Resultargument, or else it will return an error. For instance, tr...
If you know the link is only going to be opened on a mobile device that has the Power BI mobile app installed, you can avoid the redirect overhead of the above method and use another link syntax that opens the link directly in the Power BI mobile app on the mobile device. It's im...
-repairRepair the installation or install Power BI Desktop if it's not currently installed. -package,-updateInstall Power BI Desktop (default, as long as-uninstallor-repairaren't specified). You can also use the following syntax parameters, which you specify with aproperty = valuesyntax: ...
Uses for query string parameters Query string parameter syntax for filtering Filter on a field Filter on more than one value in a field Show 7 more When you open a report in Power BI service, each page of the report has its own unique URL. To filter that report page, you could...
The Power BI Connector in Power Automate AssembleViews (Connector Update) Azure Databricks (Connector Update) Bloomberg Enterprise Data and Analytics (Connector Update) DataVirtuality (Connector Update) Exasol (Connector Update) Vena (Connector Update) ...
The URL patterns for paginated reports closely follow those of SQL Server Reporting Services today. For example, to set a report parameter within a URL, use the following syntax: rp:parameter=value So if I want to specify a value for the “Salesperson” parameter for my report in an app,...
The syntax let ... in ... is similar to a variable definition. After the let, you define expressions that can refer to each other and that will be used to compute the expression after the "in". Several loading of sources can be included after the "let", this is perfectly allowed. ...
Basic DAX Syntax A DAXformulais comprised of an equal sign followed by a function or expression. Functionsperform operations such as concatenating or adding values, calculating sums or averages, or performing logical tests. Functions usually take some kind ofargument, which might be a reference to...
Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools A subreport is a report item that displays another report inside the body of a main paginated report. Conceptually, a subreport in a report is similar to a frame in a Web page. It...
Syntax Return Remarks Examples Related content Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools Returns the set of matching values for the specified name from a dataset that contains name/value pairs in a paginated report. ...