然后用powerbi desktop导入该excel文件(也可以直接用excel206及以上版本直接导入数据源,据说powerbi desktop要快一点,所以我喜欢用它)。 用powerbi进行处理 先直接上代码: let源=Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("E:\族谱.xlsx"),null,true),//引入数据源Sheet2_Sheet=源{[Item="Sheet2",Kind="Sheet"]}[Data]...
呼叫AddMicrosoftWebAppCallsWebApi 會設定 Microsoft 驗證程式庫,以取得存取權杖 (Microsoft Entra 權杖)。 呼叫AddInMemoryTokenCaches 會設定權杖快取,而 Microsoft 驗證程式庫將其用來快取存取權杖,並在幕後重新整理這些權杖。 呼叫services.AddScoped(typeof(PowerBiServiceApi)) 會將PowerBiServiceApi 類別設定為服務...
ALTERTABLE[Reseller]ADD[ReportGroup]ASLEFT([ResellerName],1) PERSISTED 此技術可以提供更高的可能。 請考慮使用下列指令碼,以新增群組資料行來依據「預先定義的一組字母」篩選轉銷商。 該指令碼也會建立索引,以有效率地擷取報表參數所需的資料。 SQL複製 ...
1.Sory by INDEX_COL in it. 2.Group by MAIN_PRODUCT_CODE and add an index column. 3.Expand the tables, then group by SUB_PRODUCT_CODE and add an index column. 4.Now we get two sort columns. Go back to Power BI Desktop, sort SUB_PRODUCT_CODE and MAIN_PRODUCT_CODE by two index...
For more information, see Get data from files for Power BI.Unlike a semantic model refresh during which Power BI imports data from a data source into a semantic model, OneDrive refresh synchronizes semantic models and reports with their source files. By default, Power BI checks about every ...
Group Program Manager - Data Integration 30 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2014 Take Power Query to the next level: share your queries and create a corporate data catalog. Try Power BI for Free today! In this Post Another month is almost over and that means that a new Power Query update is...
by-dataset basis using the Power BI REST API for datasets. You also no longer need to synchronize read replicas manually if you want to take advantage of automatic replica synchronization. Automatic replica synchronization is enabled by default. However, it is also possible to disable automatic ...
对AddMicrosoftWebAppCallsWebApi的调用配置 Microsoft 身份验证库,以获取访问令牌(Microsoft Entra 令牌)。 对AddInMemoryTokenCaches的调用配置一个令牌缓存,Microsoft 身份验证库将使用该缓存在后台缓存访问令牌和刷新令牌 对services.AddScoped(typeof(PowerBiServiceApi))的调用将PowerBiServiceApi类配置为可使用依赖项注...
Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools Expressions are used frequently in paginated reports to control content and report appearance. Expressions are written in Microsoft Visual Basic, and can use built-in functions, custom code, report and group variables, and user-defined...