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参数信息 品牌 中性 型号 02 功能 多U口输出 电池类型 锂聚合物电池 颜色分类 Black/炫酷黑【20000毫安】,Green/牛果绿【20000毫安】,Blue/宝石蓝【20000毫安】,Orange/香槟澄【20000毫安】 电压 5V 尺寸 158x78x25mm 电池容量 20000mAh 额定容量 20000mAh ...
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t=1 (20) where SQDV is the square deviation in the demand and released water; Dl,t is the demand for the left bank canal; Dr,t is the demand for the right bank canal; Rl,t is the released water for the right bank canal; and Rr,t is the released water for the left bank ...
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