Heading over to Power Automate, we can see that the flow has run successfully.Heading over to gmail we can see the email with multiple attachmentsSummaryThus we saw how we can extract the multiple attachments from a list item and send it as an em...
I trust this Power Automate tutorial gave you an idea of how to send an email with an attachment from a SharePoint list. Also, you may like: Send an Approval Request With an Attachment Using Power Automate Save Office 365 Email Attachments to OneDrive for business using Power Automate How t...
concat('/Shared Documents/',variables('excelFileName')) 最后再加一个Office 365 Outlook Connector的 Send an email (V2)的步骤,设置如下: Attachments Content 用到的表达式是: body('Get_file_content_using_path') 当然我们实际做项目的话,这个SharePointSite的Url最好用环境变量存储,方便不同环境配置不同...
From thesearchbox, entersend email. With the list of actions narrowed down, select theSend an email (v2)option.If you are reading this in the future, the option might (V_something else),but make sure you are in theOffice 365 Outlookgroup of action.Do NOTuse the action from the Mail g...
Send email from不适用帐户、其他邮箱帐户指定是使用指定的帐户还是其他帐户(例如,通过共享邮箱)发送电子邮件 Send from否文本值用于发送电子邮件的 Outlook 帐户名称;例如共享邮箱。 To否文本值收件人的电子邮件地址。 要输入多个电子邮件地址,请使用空格或分号分隔地址列表 ...
Send email from無法使用帳戶、其他信箱帳戶指定是否使用指定的帳戶或其他帳戶 (例如,共用的信箱) 傳送電子郵件 Send from否文字值用於傳送電子郵件的 Outlook 帳戶名稱;例如,共用信箱。 To否文字值收件者的電子郵件地址。 如果要輸入的電子郵件地址不止一個,請以空格或分號分隔地址清單 ...
Re: Power automate - sending email from excel data received on the email Hi @v-xiaochen-msft Below: first(triggerOutputs()?['body/attachments']).name dataUriToBinary(concat( 'data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64,...
Learn what Power Automate is and how it can be used Create a flow that runs on a schedule Create a flow that automatically saves email attachments Share a flow that your team can use Troubleshoot flows What is Power Automate? Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates action...
Power Automate enables users to include images in their emails by attaching them or embedding them to the email body.Send images as email attachmentsTo attach images to an email, use the Attachment(s) field in the Send email, Send email message through Outlook, Respond to Outlook message, ...
For this scenario, it was decided to have one folder to hold all documents that will be used byPower Automatethat will send out emails with attachments. You may create sub folders depending on your situation. The site, folder, and file as it pertains toPower Automatewill be addressed below...