一、通过Sharepoint——“创建或者修改项” Trigger触发了新增或者修改后,通过“获取项或文件的更改”Action获取哪些字段发生了改变 通过Trigger中的ID来查询,时间设置公式 sub(int(triggerOutputs()?['body/{VersionNumber}']),1)查找上一下版本之后的修改 然后用Condition判断通过获取修改 的结果是否发生了改变 二、...
微软之前有一款和 iFTTT 和 Zapier 定位一致的云端自动化服务——Microsoft Flow,在决心进入 PRA 市场后,Microsoft Flow 就进化成了Power Automate,有云端的流也有本地的流。 最开始的时候,Power Automate 仅对企业和教育用户开放订阅制授权,后来微软把本地版的软件对普通用户免费了,也就是本文提到的 PAD。所以 PAD...
Power Automate for desktop_*.log Power Automate for desktop_*_*_MicrosoftFlowRPA.log ThePower Automate for desktop_*.logfile contains the general reason for the installation failure. ThePower Automate for desktop_*_*_MicrosoftFlowRPA.logfile provides more detailed inform...
微软之前有一款和 iFTTT 和 Zapier 定位一致的云端自动化服务——Microsoft Flow,在决心进入 PRA 市场后,Microsoft Flow 就进化成了 Power Automate,有云端的流也有本地的流。 最开始的时候,Power Automate 仅对企业和教育用户开放订阅制授权,后来微软把本地版的软件对普通用户免费了,也就是本文提到的 PAD。所以 P...
Power Automate for desktop_*.log Power Automate for desktop_*_*_MicrosoftFlowRPA.log ThePower Automate for desktop_*.logfile contains the general reason for the installation failure. ThePower Automate for desktop_*_*_MicrosoftFlowRPA.logfile provides more detailed informa...
Power Automate allows you to run custom JavaScript code and get output as a dynamic object. Learn how to use the ‘Run JavaScript‘ action and return output in your desktop automation flows. In Power Automate, you can use the “Run JavaScript” action to execute custom JavaScript code and re...
Automate template app configuration Concepts Power BI data sources New name for Power BI datasets Semantic models in the Power BI service Semantic model modes in the Power BI service Power BI data source prerequisites Using enhanced semantic model metadata in Power BI Desktop Work with multidimensional...
Power BI Desktop Power BI service When you publish a Power BI Desktop file to the Power BI service, you publish the data in the model to your Power BI workspace. The same is true for any reports you created inReportview. You’ll see a new semantic model with the same name and any ...
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Step 2 - Open the Power BI Report at Edit mode on browser (it will not work on Power BI Desktop)Step 3 - Go to the trigger of Power Automate inside of report and Edit, it will show you the list of flows on default environment. Step 4 - Right click and "Inspect" to see the sou...