您可以直接从审批屏幕快速批准或拒绝 Power Automate 移动应用中的审批请求。 在Power Automate 移动应用中,选择审批,然后选择箭头以展开请求。 选择批准或拒绝。 如果您在批准或拒绝之前需要有关请求的更多信息,您可以在单独的屏幕上查看任何注释和附件。
在本教學課程中,您會手動建立循序核准流程,管理員工的休假要求。 有關將 SharePoint 與 Power Automate 一起使用的詳細資訊,請移至 SharePoint 文件。若要進一步了解如何將 SharePoint 與 Power Automate 搭配使用,請參閱 SharePoint 文件。注意 以下僅使用 SharePoint 作為範例。 不需要建立核准流程。 您可以使用...
管理Power Automate 中的审批请求 单个审批 审批(含附件) 设置顺序审批 管理顺序审批 并行审批 每个人都必须审批 等待审批 移动审批 从组中请求审批 集成审批 设置审批请求格式 自定义审批响应选项 已知问题和限制 将流与 Microsoft 365 Outlook 电子邮件结合使用 ...
Power Automate Power Apps 构建流和自定义连接器的基本体验。 创建自定义连接器 登录到Power Automate。 展开数据,然后选择自定义连接器。 选择新建自定义连接器,然后从下拉列表中选择从空白创建。 在连接器名称字段中,输入自定义连接器的名称,然后选择继续。
When sending approvals, Power Automate uses the following hierarchy to make a decision about which language to send the approval in: The recipient's language as configured in thePower Automate portal. The recipient's language as configured in the Office portal. ...
Use Power Automate to: Get a notification when you receive an email from your boss Record your work hours to a spreadsheet with the tap of a button Automatically download email attachments to cloud storage Capture, track, and follow up on sales leads, and connect to your CRM platform ...
The Power Automate Approvals feature is configured on-demand the first time any approval flow runs in an environment and executes the "Create an Approval" or "Start and wait for an approval" steps. The following actions take place to provision Power Automate Approvals: ...
创建Power Automate 附件保存至Planner行动 附件嵌入至审批、Outlook邮件 附件嵌入至审批 附件嵌入至Outlook邮件 经常有小伙伴问,Forms提交的附件如何上传到SharePoint List、Planner行动、审批附件以及邮件Outlook里面。 接下来介绍使用Power Automate解决以上需求。 模拟案例 通过Forms提交差旅报销信息并附上相关照片,将其发送...
Wait for approval. Grant access to the fictional system. Notify the new employee’s team in Microsoft Teams they have a new team member. Prerequisites If you plan to follow along with building this exact example flow in Microsoft PowerAutomate, be sure you have these items in place before yo...
Use Power Automate to: Get a notification when you receive an email from your boss Record your work hours to a spreadsheet with the tap of a button Automatically download email attachments to cloud storage Capture, track, and follow up on sales leads, and connect to your CRM platform ...