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What is a Durable Power of Attorney? (DPOA)Durable power of attorney forms are used to give someone the right to make important choices for you and your estate in the case that you are incapacitated and cannot make those choices for yourself.There...
Retired patent attorney wants Arizona governor to back hydrogen power planW.J. Hennigan
New York’s guardianship system requires that an independent evaluator meet with the ward before an incapacitation hearing. And Arizona requires that its professional guardians be licensed through the state and that the ward have an attorney present during the incapacitation hearing, among other prot...
Online platforms shape and facilitate our social, economic, and political activities. Sex workers have long pioneered their use for advertising, providing services, screening clients, collecting payments, and peer-interaction, among other activities. To learn more about the platforms sex workers use and...
George challenged the fee as an unconstitutional abuse of the permitting process. On April 12, the Supreme Court sided with George in a unanimous decision. At this post-victory discussion, attendees will hear from Paul Beard, the former PLF attorney now at Pierson Ferdinand who argued George’s...
New York’s guardianship system requires that an independent evaluator meet with the ward before an incapacitation hearing. And Arizona requires that its professional guardians be licensed through the state and that the ward have an attorney present during the incapacitation hearing, among other prot...
the fact that tommy is a sociopath; the fact that people want to murder him and take his business for themselves; and the fact that he's having an affair with a united states attorney. there's family drama. there's crime drama. there's murder and intrigue and near- true blood amount...
Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees ...
There are three major power switch choices: the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), the power MOSFET, and the integrated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT). The BJT was the first power switch to be used in this field and still offers many cost advantages over the others. It is also still used...