Dropdown3.Selected.Value selected可以获取下拉框中选中的对象,value获取对象的值
Reset– 控件是否还原为其默认值。 SelectedText (Deprecated)– 表示选定项的字符串值。 请改用Dropdown1.SelectedText.Value,并用应用中的下拉控件名称替换“Dropdown1”。 SelectionColor– 所选项目或列表中项目的文本颜色,或笔控件中选择工具的颜色。
Reset– 控件是否还原为其默认值。 SelectedText (Deprecated)– 表示选定项的字符串值。 请改用Dropdown1.SelectedText.Value,并用应用中的下拉控件名称替换“Dropdown1”。 SelectionColor– 所选项目或列表中项目的文本颜色,或笔控件中选择工具的颜色。
Cloud Studio代码运行 Filter(Doctors,Text(所属机构.医院)=Text(Dropdown1.Selected.医院)).医生姓名 跳转操作传值 1、使用Navigate公式,传的值定义为thisdoctor 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 Navigate(Screen2,ScreenTransition.Cover,{thisdoctor:ThisItem}) 2、另一个页面接收这个...
"dropdownPaddingBottom":"15px","paddingBottom":"15px","dropdownMenuOffset":"2px","hamburgerBgHoverColor":"transparent","borderBottom":"1px solid var(--lia-bs-border-color)","hamburgerBorder":"none","dropdownPaddingX":"10px","brandMarginRightSm":"10px","linkBoxShadow"...
available on Desktop The AWMenu plugin allows you to set and action items in the Desktop native dropdown menu. Methods: setMenu setMenu(sections: MenuSection[]) sections: MenuSection objects to add to native menu Pass in a number of MenuSection objects to be added to the native menu. ...
In the usage metrics report, select the File dropdown, then select Save a copy. In the Save your report dialog box, enter a name, then select Save. Power BI creates an editable Power BI report saved in the current workspace. Select Go to report in the Report saved dialog box that appe...
Power Apps Resource Provider (RP). Once this happens the Power Apps RP asks the API Hub to create a connection and facilitate authentication token exchange. Power Apps enable the creation of web and mobile applications that can run on all devices. It is a cloud-...
Shows icon next to OpMode name in the OpMode list dropdown on the Driver Station to indicate the source of the OpMode (i.e. the programming tool used to create it) Fixes issue where the Driver Station app would exit after displaying the Configuring Wi-Fi Direct screen Fixes Blocks and On...
Confirm the upgrade was successful by checking the Edge's drop-down status box on theMonitor > Edgespage. On the Classic Orchestrator: On the New Orchestrator: Once the Platform Firmware upgrade to 1.3.1 (R131-20221216-GA) is confirmed as successful, a user can either: ...