UpdateEvent: True PATCH /msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistories(msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistoryid)See Update Update records UpdateMultipleEvent: True UpdateMultiple UpdateMultipleRequest UpsertEvent: False PATCH /msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistories(msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistoryid)See Upsert a table row UpsertReque...
Power BI enables you to go from data to insight to action quickly, yet you must make sure the data in your Power BI reports and dashboards is recent. Knowing how to refresh the data is often critical in delivering accurate results.This...
Data Performance Dashboard (DataPerformance) Data Processing configuration (DataProcessingConfiguration) Dataflow (msdyn_dataflow) Dataflow Connection Reference (msdyn_DataflowConnectionReference) Dataflow DatalakeFolder (msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder) Dataflow Template (msdyn_DataflowTemplate) DataflowRefre...
Power BI enables you to go from data to insight to action quickly, yet you must make sure the data in your Power BI reports and dashboards is recent. Knowing how to refresh the data is often critical in delivering accurate results.This...
Modifications to data will often induce updates to calculated columns. You can prevent this by setting the recalculation mode to manual. Keep in mind, however, if any values in the calculated column are incorrect the column will be disabled until you refresh and recalculate the data. ...
it’s common to find artifacts of ETL processes that load and refresh data in the warehouse. Columns like “create date”, “update date”, and “ETL run” are created when the data is loaded. None of these columns are needed in the model and s...
The blob connector does not auto refresh when data is updated in it. To solve this, you can add the following: To the buttonOnSelectproperty add: ;ClearCollect(TopLevelList, AzureBlobStorage.ListRootFolderV2().value) To the screenOnVisibleadd: ...
Attach a file to email (updates)Mobile offline for canvas apps (preview) (updates) For Developers Create and update column definitions using the Web API (new)Power Platform CLI June refresh (updates)Register a plug-in (updates)Configure table relationship cascading behavior (Updates)...
Error: COM error: Microsoft.Sql.Analysis.ASOnPremisesDataAccess, Failed discovery for connection string provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;data source=$Workbook$;location="Cost Centre Mapping Table". A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of '4309651d-abc2-4a49...
Power query excel web refresh issues Hi, I have built an excel file in excel desktop app which uses power query and set up a power pivot using the data I have imported. I know when refreshing power query online the power query inputs ne......