您只能从已调用 PDF 函数的屏幕上现有的内容生成 PDF。 例如,如果您在屏幕 2 上添加了 PDF 函数,生成的 PDF 中只能包含屏幕 2 中的内容。 语法 PDF(屏幕或控件名称 [,{大小、DPI、边距、方向、ExpandContainers}]) 屏幕或控件名称–必需。 包含用于生成 PDF 的内容的屏幕或控件。 支持的控件:Vertical Gallery...
When used in canvas apps, code components can be placed inside responsive containers that resize\ dynamically using the configuration provided by the app maker.Using trackContainerResize allows code components to respond to changes in the available width and height. In some cases, setting this ...
They represent security, collaboration, and deployment containers. Each Power BI user has a personal workspace known as My Workspace. Additional workspaces can be created to enable collaboration and deployment. They're known as workspaces. By default, workspaces, including personal workspaces, are ...
The module declares the variable $a in the module scope then the function foo outputs the value of the variable in both scopes.Output Copy $a = Hello $global:a = Goodbye Modules create parallel scope containers linked to the scope in which they were imported. Items exported by the module...
The default is to snapshot each of the packages files in the containers. Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: SharePoint Online...
Containers expand to accommodate the growth of child items. For a selected item, in the Properties pane, the Parent property identifies the container for the item. You can also use the Document Outline pane to see the containment hierarchy of report items. The Layout toolbar provides multiple ...
charts or images in table cells, tables in table cells, and multiple images in a rectangle. In addition to providing the organization and look you want in the report, placing report items in containers such as rectangles help control the way the report items are displayed on the report page...
Welcome to the October 2021 update. Leaves fall, Power BI calls; and we are excited to release additional functionality and performance improvements for DirectQuery, optimization for the SWITCH function, and new Bitwise DAX functions.
Welcome to the October 2021 update. Leaves fall, Power BI calls; and we are excited to release additional functionality and performance improvements for DirectQuery, optimization for the SWITCH function, and new Bitwise DAX functions.
Get-Module | Select-Object Name, Version:列出所有加载模块的名称及其版本信息,帮助用户了解当前 PowerShell 会话中模块的版本状态。 卸载模块: Remove-Module <ModuleName>:从当前 PowerShell 会话中卸载指定模块,卸载后模块不再可用。 查看模块的安装路径: ...