Parent Parent 运算符 Parent.Fill 控件容器属性的访问权限 ThisItem ThisItem 运算符 ThisItem.FirstName Gallery 或 Form 控件字段的访问权限 ThisRecord ThisRecord 运算符 ThisRecord.FirstName 访问ForAll、Sum、With 和其他记录范围函数内完整的记录和记录的单个字段。 可以替换为 As 运算符。备注...
If(ThisItem.IsSelected, LightCyan, White)變更預設的選取項目將資源庫 控制項的 Default 屬性設定為您想要預設選取的記錄。 例如,您可以指定 FlooringEstimates 資料來源中的第五個項目:Last(FirstN(FlooringEstimates, 5))在本範例中,您可以指定 FlooringEstimates 資料來源之 Hardwood 類別中的第一個項目:...
Default– 应用启动时,要在库中选择的数据源项或记录。 Items– 在库、列表或图表等控件中显示的数据的源。 Selected– 选定项。 其他属性 AccessibleLabel– 屏幕阅读器的库(不是其中包含的项)的标签。 应描述项列表是什么。 AllItems- 库中加载的项。 这可能小于数据源的实际项数。 在滚动库时,可能会加载更多...
Power BI quick reports in Power Apps, which has beenGenerally Available as an opt-in capabilityto help you discover insights from your data easily from within business applications, is now enabled by default with 2023 Release Wave 1. Power BI quick reports in Power Apps represent a seamless in...
<item> Bring agility, connectivity, and sustainability to the forefront—at Supply Chain Reimagined <comments>
Incremental refresh:This feature allows you to refresh only the data that has changed since the last refresh, reducing processing time and resource consumption. Aggregations:This feature allows you to combine data from different sources and granularity levels, such as direct query and import modes, ...
(props, defaultRender) => { if (props && defaultRender) { return ( <Sticky stickyPosition={StickyPositionType.Header} isScrollSynced> {defaultRender({ ...props, })} </Sticky> ); } return null; }; const onRenderItemColumn = ( item?: ComponentFramework.PropertyHelper.DataSetApi...
ButtonName.RightTwo: The second right button, no default use for apps, but the settings icon on the app library page in the multi app client ButtonImage enumerator ButtonImage.Back: Same image as the back icon. Can be used here as an alternative. ButtonImage.Settings: A settings cog-wheel...
Gallery control provides a flexible layout and allows users to interact with the data displayed. It can be used to display images, text, and other data types