Microsoft AppSource 现已嵌入 Microsoft 365 应用 ( 主页和整个通用导航中。 它现在包括公司内部可用的专用应用库。 从主页或任务窗格中选择获取更多应用,然后导航到我的组织选项卡,查看您可以使用的应用。此处将显示使用 Power Apps 构建并与安全组或具有用户权限的整个公司共享的应用...
If an app requires a connection to a data source or permission to use the device's capabilities (such as the camera or location services), you must give consent before you can use the app. Typically, you're prompted only the first time you run the app....
Start building AI-powered applications using tools from Microsoft. Discover Power Apps and find all you need to build the AI-powered app solution for your organization.
Start building AI-powered applications using tools from Microsoft. Discover Power Apps and find all you need to build the AI-powered app solution for your organization.
Comece a criar aplicativos da plataforma AI usando ferramentas da Microsoft. Descubra o Power Apps e encontre tudo o que você precisa para criar a solução de aplicativos da plataforma AI para sua organização.
17.7 MB 17.6 MB 31.9 KB The Microsoft Power Query add-in for Excel 2010/2013 is no longer being updated by Microsoft. You can still download this version, but if you want to access new Power Query capabilities please upgrade to Excel 2016 or newer, where Power Query capabilities are integr...
AppSource 全部應用程式 類別 產業 諮詢服務 合作夥伴 篩選全部清除 產品(1) 類別 產業 試用 計價模式 評分 合規性 Copilot 延伸模組 Microsoft Power Platform使用可延伸、可調整及共同作業的低程式碼平台,分析及視覺化資料、自動化工作流程、建立聊天機器人,以及建置轉換的端對端商務...
[Marketplace offers]\(Marketplace のオファー\) ページで、[+ 新しいオファー]>[Dataverse および Power Apps での Dynamics 365 アプリ] を選択します。 重要 オファーが公開された後にパートナー センターで行った編集は、そのオファーを再公開した後にのみ Microsoft AppSource に反映...
"AppSource","Dev 8":"Visual Studio","Company tab":"Company","Com 1":"Careers","Com 2":"About Microsoft","Com 3":"Company News","Com 4":"Privacy at Microsoft","Com 5":"Investors","Com 6":"Diversity and inclusion","Com 7":"Accessiblity","Com 8":"...
低代码插件存储在 Dataverse 数据库中,可以无缝集成到Power Apps 和 Power Automate 中。 工作流的行为是使用 Power Fx 表达式语言定义的,可以通过 Power Platform 连接器直接与 Dataverse 业务数据和外部数据源连接。 借助低代码插件,制作者可以用最少的编码专业知识快速构建复杂的工作流,从而产生更加精简...