具体我们可以查看文档:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/functions/function-ismatch 最后我们通过【!】表示取反值,因为IsMatch(DataCardValue1.Text,Match.MultipleDigits)会在输入的内容是数字时返回 true ,但我们需要知道用户没有输入数字,所以此时应该在 IsMatch前面加上 ! 号。 接...
使用UpdateIf 函数可以在一个或多个记录中修改一个或多个值,而这些记录则与一个或多个条件匹配。 例:UpdateIf(用户表zy,ID=updateid,{用户姓名:DataCardValue22.Text,账号:DataCardValue23.Text,密码:DataCardValue24.Text,权限:Dropdown2.Selected,邮箱:DataCardValue26.Text}); If(LookUp(用户表zy,ID=uid)....
在要设置的数据卡中找到Visible属性,设置为DataCardValue8.Selected.Value="外部使用收费External Have to pay" 注意选项的值是要找对应的选项控件的Selected.Vaue,而不是选项字段的数据卡的Default 八、根据状态给文本框设置不同的颜色 找到文本框的Color属性,设计公式If(ThisItem.OrderStatus.Value="完成",RGBA(153...
DataCardValue7.Selected.Picture 所选员工的图片将显示。 按住Alt 键,在组合框中选择其他员工,以确认图片也会随之更改。添加“保存”图标在树视图窗格中,选择 Screen1,然后选择插入 > 图标 > 复选: 默认情况下,Check 图标将显示在左上角,在这里还有其他一些控件,所以找到此图标可能有些困难: 在主页选项卡上,...
Filter( Budgets, LookUp( Users, 'Primary Email' = User().Email, 'Business Unit' ).Name = 'Business unit ID'.Name, 'Date Range String'=DataCardValue37.Selected.'Date Range String' ) 排序函数Sort 和SortByColumns 可以委派。在Sort 中,公式只能是单个列的名称,不能包括其他运算符或函数。聚合...
Re: Need help with power apps to use multiple IF conditions @anil_patil65, That is exactly the problem - did you read my comment onSearchText? You should be usingDataCard5.Selected.xxxxwherexxxx is the output (Value or Field Name) of the Combo Box...
将【ProblemDetailsValue】的 MaxLength 设置为100 选择【IconAccept1】,将【OnSelect】设置为下面的公式 FieldEngineerApi.putapiappointmentsid(BrowseAppointmentsGallery.Selected.id,{problemDetails:DataCardValue8.Text, statusName:DataCardValue20.Selected.Value,notes:DataCardValue19.Text,imageUrl:""}); ...
In Power Apps, select the Country card and under the Advanced tab select "Unlock to change properties" to open up for edits. Depending on your specific instance the given names for components may be different, so adjust accordingly.Select the DataCardValue3 (Combo Box) in the Country_...
Complaint: “ & Gallery2.Selected.Complaint & “ Status: “ & DataCardValue5.Selected.Value & “ Feedback: “ & DataCardValue6.Text& “ Thank you “); SubmitForm(Form1) Step 39 Change theDisplayMode Propertyof the Button control to help disable the button when the...
Power Apps offers a predefined set of cards for strings, numbers, and other data types. In the right-hand pane, you can see the variations available and change the card used for a field: In this example, a single-line text card is selected, but the URL's text is longer than can be...