PowerApps countrows datatable The error I am getting because of passing the data table name to the CountRows function does not exist. The solution to this problem is, you need to provide the data source name rather than the data table name. You can find this by viewing the properties of y...
On the PowerApps screen, there is a Data table (records are retrieved from the specific SharePoint list) and image control. Now I would like to pop up the specific image when a user will click on the link or item from the data table. Suppose the user will click on the Laptop, then ...
DEFINEvar t1 = DATATABLE("Name", STRING,"Age", INTEGER,"Area", STRING,{{"郭靖", 20, "内蒙古"},{"黄蓉", 18, "桃花岛"},{"丘处机", 45, "终南山"},{"张三丰",90, "武当山"},{"宋远桥", 50, "武当山"},{"张松溪", 48, "武当山"}})EVALUATE{COUNTROWS(t1)} 数一数有多少行,...
1 Comment/Canvas apps,powerapps/ ByDebajit Dutta (Former 6x Business Solutions MVP, MCT) Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. In today’s blog I will discuss a peculiar behavior with the CountRows function. Below is an example where I am using the CountRows function to show the total num...