Power Apps 现在允许我们将 Copilot 作为一个控件,添加到应用界面当中。 当账户获得 Copilot 使用资格后,制作者可以在应用的设置界面,开启【Copilot component】。 之后就可以在现有应用中插入一个 Copilot 控件。 而这个 Copilot 控件的作用,则是让用户可以通过自然语言向应用中的数据进行提问。 比如问他“最受欢...
The following table lists the messages for the Copilot component (botcomponent) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.展開資料表 Name Is Event?Web API OperationSDK for .NET AssignEvent: True PATCH /botcomponents(botcomponentid)Update ...
自定义页面是模型驱动应用中的一种新页面类型,它将画布应用的强大功能引入模型驱动应用中。 自定义页面增加了模型驱动应用与画布应用的融合,可用于利用画布设计器的灵活性添加完整页面、对话或窗格。 它还包括使用表达式和自定义 Power Apps component framework 控件的低代码页面创作体验。
Copilot component (botcomponent) Copilot component collection (botcomponentcollection) CopilotExampleQuestion CopilotGlossaryTerm CopilotSynonyms credential Currency (TransactionCurrency) Custom API (CustomAPI) Custom API Request Parameter (CustomAPIRequestParameter) Custom API Response Property (CustomAPIRespons...
使用Copilot 回答控制項 (預覽版) 新增混合實境控制項 混合實境控制項 檢視和操作 3D 模型 在Power Apps 中檢視 3D 模型 使用3D 物件控制項載入模型 新增釘選項目至 3D 模型 在Power Apps 中使用混合實境體驗 新增地理空間控制項 新增Power BI 資料
{"__typename":"BlogTopicMessage","uid":3897524,"subject":"Get Started with Copilot on Microsoft Power Apps","id":"message:3897524","revisionNum":31,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1454641"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Blog:board:EducatorDevelop...
{"__typename":"BlogTopicMessage","uid":3897524,"subject":"Get Started with Copilot on Microsoft Power Apps","id":"message:3897524","revisionNum":31,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1454641"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Blog:board:EducatorDevelop...
Partner GPM, Power Apps Studio Clay leads the Power Apps Studio product team, enabling the next generation of developers and app makers on the Microsoft Power Platform with AI assisted development. This spans across our Power Apps maker tools, Copilot for Power Apps makers, Pro Dev tooling, ...
App navigation is now the default panel in the designer, allowing makers to edit the sitemap efficiently. The Pages panel now has a restructured hierarchy to better align with makers’ mental model and accurately reflect any coauthoring personas. Component designers now open within the app designer...
AWComponent Update Notes v22.3.2 Fixed return type issues in Cache, DesktopStorage, OnDeviceStorage. v22.3.1 Added updateLastModifiedDate(path: string, date: Date, successCallback: (result: boolean) => void, errorCallback?: (result: Error) => void ) to update the last modified date of ...