Collect(ProductRevenue, Import1.Data) 在应用操作菜单上,选择预览应用,然后选择导入数据按钮。 在打开对话框中,选择您的 Excel 文件,选择打开,然后按 Esc。 在应用制作菜单上,选择变量 > 集合。 随即应列出包含已导入的图表数据的 ProductRevenue 集合。 备注 导入控件用于导入类似于 Excel 的数据并创建集合。 导...
Power Apps 行動應用程式 Dataverse Teams 整合 Access 移轉 聊天機器人 卡片 AI 外掛程式 (預覽版) AI Builder 範例應用程式和解決方案 負責任 AI 資源 疑難排解 下載PDF Learn Power Platform Power Apps 閱讀英文 儲存 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 ...
We extended the business unit security model by allowing security roles from different business units to be assigned to a user/team. This allows a user/team to access data from different business units based on their security roles to support the Matrix data access structure vs the traditional h...
Collect(ProductRevenue, Import1.Data) 在应用操作菜单上,选择预览应用,然后选择导入数据按钮。 在打开对话框中,选择您的 Excel 文件,选择打开,然后按 Esc。 在应用制作菜单上,选择变量>集合。 随即应列出包含已导入的图表数据的 ProductRevenue 集合。
Federal Reserve Economic Data (Independent Publisher) Festivo (Independent Publisher) FHIRBase FHIRClinical FHIRlink File System (Independent Publisher) Fin & Ops Apps (Dynamics 365) Finnish BIS (Independent Publisher) Finnish Railway Traffic (Independent Publisher) FireText FishWatch (Independent...
In Power BI, a combo chart is a single visualization that combines a line chart and a column chart. Combining the two charts into one lets you make a quicker comparison of the data.Combo charts can have one or two Y axes.When to use a combo chart...
A calculated column gives you the ability to add new data to a table in your Power Pivot Data Model. Instead of pasting or importing values into the column, you create a Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)formula that defines the column values.
Plus, you design a Power View report to look good on a screen: You make all the charts, tables, and other visuals fit in one screen. So sometimes a chart or table has a scroll bar – a reader has to scroll to see the rest of the values in that chart or table. Ag...
Improved chart data capacity.iOS and Android mobile appsEnterprises can now configure Power BI mobile apps for iOS and Android with Microsoft Intune to manage devices and applications.iPhone mobile appAdd a picture tile to a dashboard directly from your iPhone. Create QR codes in the Power BI ...
在12月版本中,将发布一个新的Power Platform Dataflow连接器,该连接器使您可以在Power BI中基于Power Apps环境创建的数据流创建报表。这项新功能专为主要在Power Apps内部工作和开发,并希望在Power BI内部利用现有数据流的用户设计。 可以在“Get Data”对话框的“Power Platform”类别中找到此连接器。 PostgreSQL连接...