不久后我们将迁移 Power Apps 门户文档并将其与Power Pages 文档合并在一起。 重要 我们建议您使用Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C)标识提供者进行身份验证,弃用您的门户的本地标识提供者。 详细信息:将标识提供者迁移到 Azure AD B2C 配置本地身份验证需要您使用门户管理应用手动配置所需的站点设置。
从2022 年 10 月 12 日起,Power Apps 门户更名为 Power Pages。 详细信息请参阅:Microsoft Power Pages 现已正式发布(博客) 不久后我们将迁移 Power Apps 门户文档并将其与Power Pages 文档合并在一起。 重要 我们建议您使用Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C)标识提供者进行身份验证,弃用您的门户的本...
保持Azure 门户处于打开状态,切换到 Power Apps 门户的 WS 联合身份验证配置执行后续步骤。 在此步骤中,您为门户配置输入站点设置。 提示 如果您在前面的步骤中配置应用注册后关闭了浏览器窗口,请再次登录 Azure 门户,然后转到注册的应用。 元数据地址:要配置元数据地址,请执行以下操作: 在Azure 门户中...
如果使用 OpenID Connect 的單一登入設定 (如 Azure AD B2C),使用者必須提供權限。 對於OAuth 2.0– 型提供者,接受值為:Facebook、Google、Yahoo、Microsoft、LinkedIn或Twitter 對於WS-Federation– 型提供者,使用為Authentication/WsFederation/ADFS/AuthenticationType和Authentication/WsFederation/Azure/[provider]/Authent...
微软旗下云服务Windows Azure即将更名为Microsoft Azure。 据笔者消息源表示,微软将于本周宣布将“...
编写Powershell Function,登录到China Azure并获取Azure AD User信息,但是发现遇见了 [Error] ERROR: ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed: An unexpected error occured while fetching the AAD Token. Please contact support with this provided Correlation IdStatus: 500 (Internal Server Error) 。
Initialize variable (Array) – passwordCredentials – this variable will be used to populate the client secrets of each Azure AD application. \n \n We need to request an authentication token using ourtenantId,clientId, andclientSecretvariables. We d...
You can use managed identities to authenticate to any resource that supportsAzure AD authentication, including your own applications. Managed identities can be used at no extra cost. 所以,Managed identities are the recommended authentication option when working with Azure resources that support them. ...
More about the ACS Token based-authentication can be referred in the references section. The good news is that in the Azure AD App, the API permissions for the SharePoint have come with new permissions called “Sites.Selected”, which will allow your Azure AD App to authenticate to mu...
simple to use and configure, without requiring changes to your network infrastructure, and allows you to secure your applications with all the security features of Azure AD. This allows you to protect your on-premises Report Server endpoints with Azure AD authenti...