You can select a connector to view more detailed connector-specific documentation including its functionality and region availability. You can also filter all connectors by a certain category. Note that filters do not stack and each link will take you to another page within the documentation site....
Admin center: Opens another windows and goes to the Power Platform admin center. Plans(s): View your licenses. More information: Licensing overview Advanced settings: Manage your admin settings. More information: Manage Microsoft Dataverse settings. Session details: View your Power Apps session deta...
You will want to secure your Azure Blob Storage files. Each container can have a different Public Access Level assigned to it. In Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, you can click on a blob storage container, go to the actions tab on the bottom left of the screen and view your access...
Example: fullScreen=1Note Report-level bookmarks do not have a bookmarkGUID format and currently cannot be passed as a parameter of a deep link.Examples:In the following examples, placeholders for the parameter values are highlighted in bold. To get the actual values, go to the Power BI ...
You receive a free license. Because you're a new user, Power BI opens your Home screen. Home contains resources to help you get started. You might even receive a pop-up with suggestions to get started. Here's one example.You now have a Fabric (Free) license to work in Power BI. ...
In the example screenshot, the trigger is when a new account record is created. Create or get the card instance you want to send using the Cards for Power Apps connector. Add an action to Post card in a chat or channel using the Teams connector. On the action, set Post as to Power...
open a file in another iOS app installed on the device path: the path to the file you would like to open filename: the name of the file you would like to open openDirect openDirect(filename: string) open a file in another iOS app installed on the device filename: the name of the...
Recently I worked with a customer on building a canvas Power App embedded in Microsoft Teams. The application acts as a catalogue and one of the requested features was enabling users to share an item from the catalogue to another user in Teams, with a deep link to open t...
Screenshot of the old Time and Absence Reporting tool – outdated UX with no mobile interface Embarking on the PowerApps journey In early 2016, the HR team evaluated two third party vendor platforms in addition to PowerApps. The team cared deeply about the user experience. They found PowerApps ...
The PowerDirector editing interface maintains the traditional Source and Preview split panels on the top, with your track timeline along the bottom of the screen. You can have two video preview windows, one for the source and one for the movie, which saves you from having to switch between ...