You can write formulas for some properties of the App object. At the top of the Tree view pane, select the App object as you would any other control or screen. View and edit one of the object's properties by selecting it in the drop-down list to the left of the formula bar....
PropertyValue Description Drop-down list for selecting the type of the web resource. DisplayName Type IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName webresourcetype RequiredLevel SystemRequired Type Picklist DefaultFormValue -1 GlobalChoiceName webresource_webresourcetypeWeb...
If(Condition,ThenResult[,DefaultResult] ) If(Condition1,ThenResult1[,Condition2,ThenResult2, ... [ ,DefaultResult] ] ) Condition(s)- 必需。 要测试是否为true的公式。此类公式通常包含比较运算符(如<、>和=)和测试函数(如IsBlank和IsEmpty)。 ThenResult(s)- 必需。 对计算结果为true的条件返回的...
Fixed issue with a date picker pop-up and dropdown list for parameters were disappearing. Fixed decoding of + sign to a space in RDL URL parameters. Fixed multiple issues with multi-value and multiselect parameters in RDL Parameters tab. Deprecated features Report Parts support deprecated Discont...
We made all dropdowns list values resizable, so you can drag and resize values with longer lengths. You will also notice performance improvements for parameters with long lists. To learn more about parameters, please check out our documentation. Create a Paginated Report from a datamart Customers...
If you don't have Power Pivot enabled, then go toFile>Options>Add-ins. Select theCOM Add-insoption from theManagedrop-down box, then pressGo. SelectMicrosoft Power Pivot for Excel, and pressOK. If you don't see Power Pivot in the list, then see:Where is Power Pivot?
ClearCollect(TopLevelList, AzureBlobStorage.ListRootFolderV2().value) Update the first gallery you created that contains the high-level folders Set the items to: TopLevelList You can now try out your blob storage app by playing the app, uploading a file, put a full name (with the ...
Add ComboBox control (is used to display a drop-down list of various items) to the Screen Step 26 Change theX propertyof theCombo box controlto 401 andY propertyto 79 in the Position property Also, change thewidthof theCombo boxcontrolto 220 and theheightto 40 in ...
function setAppHasRun() { var appManager = new Appworks.AWAppManager(); appManager.setAppHasRun(function () { console.log('setAppHasRun was successful'); }, function(error) { console.log(error); }); } AWComponent Open, close, list, check components and listen for app close event Methods...