Regulatory and development functions are strongly interlinked and have the same objectives in the long run, and very often, rapid and healthy development is an outcome of well regulated structures. The twin role of SEBI has accordingly been enshrined in the preamble of the SEBI Act, 1992. The ...
latest in the 'shopping cart', 'personalized news', 'send the quotes to my pager or phone' kind of technology; but, at the same time, we are entering a level of e-business and a time in the development of e-business where success is not really about technology features and functions....
“SCA”) or a regulatory authority that is an ordinary or associate member of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions to carry out any of the functions related to financial activities or services) and only to legal persons that are Qualified Investors, as d...
functions, services and activities within its own organization, which would meet the definition of Business Associate and irrespective of whether performed by employees of the Hybrid Entity, as part of its health care components for compliance with the Security Rule and privacy requirements under this...
Antonio Scala2,4,5 & Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns1 Islanding is known as a management procedure of the power system that is implemented at the distribution level to preserve sensible loads from outages and to guarantee the continuity in electricity supply, when a high amount of distributed generat...
A Python script to change the key colors on a Logitech G213 Prodigy Gaming Keyboard - SebiTimeWaster/G213Colors Another option is to save the settings on a windows installation. Reactions: programming freak and WHOFOUNDFUNGUS WHOFOUNDFUNGUS Joined Jul 21, 2013 Messages 226 (0.05...
Power of talent "Our core corporate assets walk out every evening. It is our duty to make sure that these assets return the next morning, mentally and physically enthusiastic and energetic." – N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman and Chief Mentor This Annual Report is printed on 100% recycled ...
The paper concerns the pseudo-impulse pull-and-release method that allows to determine frequency response functions of a large, lightly damped structure and estimate its modal parameters. The main advantage of the developed method is the great independence of the repetitiveness of the experiment's ...
It also presents an overview of the regulatory institutions that oversee these markets in different regions, including a summary of the regulatory strategies and functions in each region. Section 3 presents an analysis of reported cases of manipulation in recent years in the stock and power markets...
4T].heThseysstyesmtemrelrielsiesononththeehhaarrddwwaarree ffiilltteerrss and sophisticated mathematical functions to calculate the end-point accurately.. Once the end-point is detected, the polishing process is stopped [15]. In addition, the motor current variation is inflfluenced by nnootto...