David’s power has been silent and controlled, but he can easily draw his sword and order war. For David, there is power in restraint, but he reminds his subjects that he can just as easily release violence and conflict. David knows that his enemies will one day “fight,” and he is...
The spoken word converts individual knowledge into mutual knowledge, and there is no way back once you've gone over that cliff. Saying nothing was more amendable, and over time I'd come to see that it was usually your best course of action. — Karen Joy Fowler 0 It amazes me, how ...
Concrete Example: In “Pale Fire,” Nabokov employs a unique narrative structure that involves a poem and its subsequent commentary. However, the commentary often diverges into tangential stories and unreliable interpretations, effectively creating multiple layers of narrative. This structure not only chal...
Inspirational idea quotes 31. “Ideas shape the course of history.”–John Maynard Keynes 32. “Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.”–DonatellaVersace 33. “Ideas are only as good as your ability to communicate them.”–Adena Friedman 34. “Ideas are easy. It’s the execution of i...
The Forgiveness Project is a UK based charity that uses storytelling to explore how ideas around forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution can be used to impact positively on people’s lives, through the personal testimonies of both victims and perpetrators of crime and violence. We talk ...
Tolkien's relationship with his recurring bard is deeper and older than his original poem would suggest. Tom Bombadil began life as a doll in the Tolkien household, a funny name given to a toy that purportedly caused conflict between the Tolkien children. His inclusi...
There are a lot of characters in the movie, and each family member is dealing with a unique problem. There is a conflict about selling the dry-cleaning business, marital affairs, secrets, jealousy, and even a night in jail. RelatedHow to Advocate for Yourself ...
“Alexander’s Feast” is more than a poem that narrates a royal celebration followed by a military confrontation between Macedonia and Persia. It is about the internal tension within Alexander as he responds to Timotheus's musical performance, and it is about the conflict betw...
While this song and poem do reflect the traditional views of the Indian people about this valley, Powell and Ingalls recorded but a small portion of this tradition song. Many songs lasted for hours. This song was composed for and traditionally sung to the valley. According to the Powell and...
“Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.” –Martin Luther King Jr. “Peace is not something you wish for; it’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you...