taingroupbasedonpoststructuralistperformativity(Butler,1999).AsButlerargues,group membership and one’s identity are embedded in a process of constant socialconstruction through performative habitual speech acts9and nonverbal commu-nication (Austin, 1962), whichper se(re)produce power and authority ...
All public personnel who participate in a money laundering offence fall under the authority of the agency. ED is unable to make decisions on his own. One must first submit a complaint with any other agency or the police before ED looks into the situation and identifies the culprit. The ED ...
Please bear in mind that I’m making this list as a sighted person. Because I do not have a visual impairment, I cannot be an authority on what apps will work best for you. However, from a digital accessibility perspective, I have summed up the pros and cons of each app to help you...
“raj” literally meaning “to reign, rule” in Hindi (Oxford English Dictionary, 2008). This concept acknowledged that India had been seized—not by the British government but by an unregulated firm headquartered in a single London office and owned by private stockholders (Dalrymple, 2015, ...
In 2001 the government created the Information and Communication Technologies Authority to promote and oversee the burgeoning sector. More than two-fifths of the labour force is employed in the areas of finance and services. Construction and manufacturing employ about one-third of the labour force, ...
The differences in the two types of jurisdictions are obvious as well in the fact that the EU has a supranational competition authority, which is the European Commission and which supervises cases of abuse of market power. The US Antitrust Law valuates more the Private Enforcement of Antitrust...
, meaning "arrow" and making the compound Ba¯bar-va¯n. ¯ı, "arrow-like utterances concerning Babur." In Sikh scriptural terminology, the arrow is the shabad, the inner Word through which the Guru communicates with those who seek him out (Guru¯ Granth Sa¯hib/GGS, p. 1374...
The atlatl is the sign of authority being a traditional source of power for hunters. The left hands represent transformed water baby hands. One potentially has medicine cane. Knotted strings, which are what medicine men and community leaders use to convene groups for ceremony, are found both on...