If you know the type of game, then you're definitely going to think of explosions. It's true - The Powder Toy lets you blow stuff up, and it's awesome! It also lets you do other cool things, like create growing, organic structures or building electronic circuits. The Powder Toy is ...
The Powder Toy is a free physics sandbox game, which simulates air pressure and velocity, heat, gravity and a countless number of interactions between different substances! The game provides you with various building materials, liquids, gases and electro
到模组官网下载autorun.lua,把它和powder toy可执行文件放在同一个文件夹里 2.打开powder toy,按 ~ 打开控制台 3.控制台里输入 tpt.getscript(1,'autorun.lua',1) 安装autorun模块 4.打开powder toy脚本文件夹,一般是C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\The Powder Toy\scripts 5.把从模组官网下载的MOD(...