10. Drakeo the Ruler –So Cold I Do ‘Em 2[Stinc Team] Almost exactly five years ago, on Christmas Day 2016, Drakeo the Ruler uploaded a mixtape calledSo Cold I Do ‘Emto Soundcloud. It was his second release of that year, followingI Am Mr. Mosely 2, and in many ways the full...
Not to say Gibbs has transcended being a rapper, it’s just that he’s been so good for so long the only competition he’s in league with is his own greatness, much like Michael Jordan in the 10-part docuseries. Through the various eras of writers for this website, one thing which ...
unsigned int 0~4294967295 int -2147483648~2147483647 unsigned long 0~4294967295 long -...
It all started back in 2011 when 12-yr-old Irish musician Bry O’Reilly posted a video narrating his life. He used hand-drawn scraps of paper, with magic marker, taking audiences on a journey of his life from infancy to adulthood (tweenhood). Since then, the Draw My Life video stor...
private BigInteger removeComma(BigDecimal num, int scale) { BigDecimal ten = BigDecimal.valueOf(10); BigDecimal s = ten.pow(scale); return num.multiply(s).toBigInteger(); } Example 17Source File: BigDecimalUtils.java From simm-lib with MIT License 4 votes public static BigDecimal square(Big...
10. Organization Fairs Get Freshmen to sign up for your awesome club by posting a video highlighting the benefits of joining 🙂 Make sure to include an irresistible CTA (call-to-action). 11. Capstone projects Capstone projects, A.K.A. a project culminating a student’s intellectual and aca...
Powstańców Wielkopolskich 12的真实住客评分 点评提供来自 9.5 惊艳了 来自243 个评分 位置评分 9.8,满分 10,是波兹南的高分 位置9.8 环境和清洁度评分 9.6,满分 10,是波兹南的高分 环境和清洁度9.6 性价比评分 9.6,满分 10,是波兹南的高分 性价比9.6 ...
Example #10Source File: misc.py From verge3d-blender-addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes def pow(x, y, z=_SENTINEL): """ pow(x, y[, z]) -> number With two arguments, equivalent to x**y. With three arguments, equivalent to (x**y) % z, but may be more ...
Delphi、Python、PowBuilder等开发环境直连Oracle各个版本的驱动Dll (包括10/11/12/19版),同时支持Navicat管理Oracle所需的OCI.dll。经过多方收集整理目前最全OCI.dll。
10. Przestrzegaj prawa BĘDĘ: Będę pamiętać, że forum jest publiczne (np. wpisy mogą być znajdowane za pomocą wyszukiwarki Google przez szefa lub członka rodziny). NIE BĘDĘ: Nie będę publikować wpisów, które łamią prawo federalne, stanowe, region...