not everybody in Africa is starving to death as some people especially westerners think. When it comes to poverty and hunger, the western world always paints Africa "hell in a cell" with no way out. The western world always paints the picture as if everybody in Africa is starving to deat...
Determinantshead of householdpovertypoverty lineThe paper analyses poverty in South Africa, using the GHS-data of 2018. STATSSA designates three poverty lines, the upper-bound poverty line is employed in the methodology, which makes the analysis more detailed and unique. The methodology uses ...
1 Acknowledgements Stats SA would like to thank the World Bank for their technical assistance and analytical support in advancing the development of poverty statistics in South Africa. The World Bank was instrumental in the construction of the consumption aggregate for the Living Conditions Survey (...
In more than four decades of reform and opening up since 1978, China has lifted 700 million rural poor out of poverty. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), China’s rural poor populations and poverty inci...
4Source: Statistical Communique of the People’s Republic of China on 2017 National Economic and Social Development, tjsj/zxfb/201802/t20180228_ 1585631.html. Apparently, identifying relative po...
C High-burden tuberculosis countries in the Africa Region according to the World Health Organization. D High-burden tuberculosis countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region according to the World Health Organization. DRC the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the dotted lines indicate the 95% ...
Comparing both graphs, we see that the overall mobility reduction is smaller in Africa than in Latin America, suggesting the role of poverty differences at a broader scale. Also, the gap between high- and low-poverty regions is larger within the African sample. This possibly denotes a stronger...
ability of countries to compensate the distributional side effects of mitigation policies from their domestic carbon price revenue. While for most countries the revenues are sufficiently large to avoid an increase in poverty at least in the near term, this is not the case in Sub-Saharan Africa. ...
7 Poverty, Inequality and Growth Abstract Cilliers first explores the progress that has been made globally in poverty reduction in a historical context and then the relationship between inequality and growth. He concludes that Africa will miss goal 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals on the ...
. Using a poverty line of US$1.9 per day in 2015, 10% of the world's population was extremely poor, which fell to 8.4% in 2019 but rose to 9.4% in 2020 due to the Coronavirus [COVID-19] pandemic (World Bank2020). Poverty reduction in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa using the...