Number of people using food banks in the UK 2008-2024 Wages & Salaries Minimum wage in the UK 1999-2025, by wage category Government Finances Government expenditure on benefits in the UK 1948-2024 Recommended statistics Homelessness Rough sleeping Food Poverty Benefits & Low Earnings Poverty world...
UK Gov, 2022 UK Gov National statistics: Percentile points from 1 to 99 for total income before and after tax (2022) Google Scholar Weber and Matthews, 2008 C. Weber, H. Matthew...
<> [accessed Jan. 17, 2023]. Google Scholar [118] World Health Organization. What are the WHO Air quality guidelines?; 2021. <
The World Bank, which has been tracking and analyzingglobal poverty rate statisticsin every country for more than 40 years, has examined the national poverty lines of the world’s poorest countries and set the extreme poverty threshold at making less than $2.15 per day. But what does poverty ...
Fuel poverty statisticsClimate, UKU. Department of Energy and Climate, "Fuel poverty statistics," Fuel Poverty Statistics, 2010.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Table A-6. Employment Status of the Civilian Population by Sex, Age, and Disability Status, not Seasonally Adjusted. Available online: (accessed on 1 June 2024). European Disability Forum. European Human Right... Google Scholar National Institute of Clinical Excellence. NICE guidelines NG6: excess winter deaths and morbidity and the health risks associated with cold homes. London: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence; 2015. Google...
Households below Average Income: An analysis of the Income Distribution FYE 2020; Department for Work and Pensions: London, UK, 2021. Available online:
Other statistics on the topicPoverty in the UK Economy Poverty rates in OECD countries 2022 Demographics Unemployment rate in Spain 2005-2024 Economy Gini index score of European Union countries 2023 Economy Monthly national minimum wage in Spain 2008-2024Access...
According to the Chinese Bureau of Statistics [48], China’s population was projected to reach 1.4 billion in 2021, making it the largest in the world. Although China has made progress in reducing TB deaths and incidence rates over the past three decades [49], it is still far from ...