Park,Albert,,Sangui Wang."China’s Poverty Statistics.". China Economic Review . 2001Park, A. and S. Wang, 'China's Poverty Statistics'. In: China Economic Review, 12 (2001), pp. 384-98.Park, A. and S. Wang (2001) `China's Poverty Statistics', China Economic Review, 12(4), ...
China's official poverty statistics show a dramatic reduction in poverty from 31% of the rural population in 1978 to 3% in 2000. We evaluate possible sources of bias in these estimates and conclude that the official statistics underestimate rural poverty and overstate the speed of poverty reduction...
Based on statistics collected at the end of 2014 for the population living in poverty, the government has worked out specific schemes to actualize the overall goals: first, helping 30 million people who have the ability to work and possess productive skills to escape from poverty by supporting t...
Some local authorities and departments fudged or exaggerated their poverty alleviation statistics to score political points. Speaking at a symposium on the fight against poverty in April of 2019, the Chinese president called for efforts to resolve prominent problems in assuring the fo...
In comparison, the urban residents in China could enjoy a well-established social security system that protects them from extreme poverty. Fig. 1 Source: Poverty Monitoring Report of Rural China (2017), National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of Chinaa calculated by the national poverty line (2010...
Poverty reduction is an eternal theme in the modernization drive of countries. After 2020, China’s poverty reduction endeavors will face new challenges and shift towards: (i) elevating poverty standards, (ii) placing equal emphas...
the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), and the China Institute for Income Distribution at Beijing Normal University, respectively. The 0.44 was based on data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS), the Econom...
…the Piketty-Saez theory is less a matter of history than an accounting error caused by their misunderstanding of World War II-era tax statistics. …It’s true that income inequality declined in the early part of the 20th century, but the cause had more to do with the economic devastation...
It uses a systematic set of statistical analysis tools and descriptive statistics to provide a multidimensional and highly visual format. Beyond the traditional qualitative comparison of countries, it also introduces quantitative comparison. Considering the increasing concern and curiosity about China’s ...