In the fourth quarter of 2024, the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) estimated that 35.4% of the population in Mexico was in a situation of working poverty, which represents an increase of 0.3 percentage points compared to the previous quarter. ...
Increased demand after COVID-19 lockdowns caused a peak in demand and prices for daily car use, and the government’s commitment to public transport is unclear, despite policy statements. At the same time, substantial increases in petrol prices are driving a considerable percentage of the UK ...
There’s supposedly more old-age poverty in the United States than there is in countries such as Costa Rica, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Turkey. There’s supposedly more overall poverty in the United States than there is in countries such as Hungary, Mexico, Portugal, Slovenia, and Turkey....
In addition, we collected the total percentage change for each indicator over the 1990–2021 year range. The GBD 2021 also calculated the Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) to represent the combined level of social and economic development related to health in each region. The SDI is the geometric ...
The percentage change in each burden estimate between 1990 and 2021 was retrieved to compare the temporal change. The equation of percentage change is (values1990−values2021)/values1990×100%. Meanwhile, a joinpoint regression analysis was also used to understand the temporal trends of rIDPs. ...
Africa Energy Indaba Managing Director Liz Hart emphasized that Africa needs to set its path in the energy transition. "African countries ... still have a long way to go to catch up with the developed nations of the world," she said. "In this context, while Africa must join the global ...
Flooding is among the most prevalent natural hazards, with particularly disastrous impacts in low-income countries. This study presents global estimates of the number of people exposed to high flood risks in interaction with poverty. It finds that 1.81 billion people (23% of world population) are...
The world’s poorest countries – with per-person annual incomes below $1,145 – grew just 3.6% in 2024 “on account of escalating conflict and violence’’ in places like Gaza and Sudan. “We have all-out war in Europe, in the Middle East and in Africa...
The percentage of children living in severe food poverty in West and Central Africa fell from 42% to 32% over the last decade, it said, noting advances including diversified crops and performance-based incentives for health workers. In the absence of vital nutrients, children living with “ext...
While large, the USAID budget is less than one percentage point of the U.S. gross domestic product and a fraction of the biblical call to tithe 10% of one’s income, Czerny noted. Czerny acknowledged Francis has often complained about Western aid t...