Income is used for thethree national poverty linesdeveloped in South Africa. These are thefood poverty line(set atR531per person per month in April 2017), the lower-bound poverty line (R758) and the upper-bound poverty line (R1,138). ...
This paper offers evidence on the sensitivity of child poverty in South Africa to changes in the adult equivalence scale (AES) and updates the child povert
(2012). Estimating a poverty line: an application to free basic municipal services in South Africa. Development Southern Africa, 29 (1), 77–96.BHORAT, H., OOSTHUIZEN, M. and VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, C. (2011). Estimating a Poverty Line: An application to free basic municipal services in ...
In much of the world, including Central and South America, Africa, the Middle East and much of Asia, there are important studies of poverty, income and aid programs; little has been integrated into the scholarly literature, however, which is an oversight this journal aims to correct. Poverty...
06 June 2023 Introduction The article explores non-governmental organizations (NGOs) poverty alleviation communication practice for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa specifically in Ethiopia. It has a long history of poverty alleviation programs in the region, but it lacks sustainability. One...
in six poverty-stricken counties, including Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces, to conduct micro-finance poverty alleviation experiments. This is the first batch of poverty alleviation microcredit institutions in China in line with international standards. The exper...
Article 09 February 2023 Introduction In recent years, there has been a surge of interest worldwide in promoting rapid and widespread reforestation. The Bonn Challenge1, launched in 2011 and extended in 2014 by the New York Declaration on Forests, has set a goal of restoring 350 million hectare...
living under the poverty line Poverty rate in the U.S. Poverty rate among Black/African Americans in the U.S. Get more insights Report on the topic Top Seller Explore this report Related topics Unemployment in the U.S. Poverty Private health insurance in the United States ...
At a poverty line of N2, 930.90, 52.1% of the households were poor. Household size and age squared increased poverty by 0.016 and 1.0 X10-4 while asset value, friends/family credit and decision making index reduced poverty by 0.005, 5.99X10-7 and 0.225, respectively. Social capital ...
Turning now to LIHC indicator which is a dual threshold indicator identifies households in energy poverty if their disposal income is below the official poverty line and their energy costs exceed the national median cost [98]. The chosen threshold limits are (i) 60 % of the median equalized di...