2003. Poverty in South Africa: Statistical Inference for Decomposable Poverty Measures. Development of Southern Africa 20:283-291.Ngwane, A.K., Yadavalli, V.S.S., Steffens, F.E. (2003), "Poverty in South Africa: statistical inference for decomposable poverty measures", Development Southern ...
Water statistics and poverty statistics in Africa: do they correlate at national scales? Water Int. 36 (3), 283-294.Kaczan, D. et J. Ward (2011) « Water Statistics and Poverty Statistics in Africa: Do They Correlate at National Scales? », Water International, vol. 36, no 3, p....
Another major problem with the western way of evaluating Africa is that, statistics are often political in Africa. In other words, statistical figures often glorify some corrupt governments in power and not the reality of the situation. Here is an example. According to the World Bank and the I...
Poverty Trends in South Africa An examination of absolute poverty between 2006 and 2015 THE SOUTH AFRICA I KNOW, THE HOME I UNDERSTAND Koch Street, Salvokop, Pretoria, 0002 Private Bag X44, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa User information service: +27(12) 310 8600, Fax: +27(12) 310 8944 ...
Find the most relevant statistics and facts on poverty. The poverty rate is one of the most important and common statistics in this area.
Average child poverty rate Gini-coefficient in China Gini-coefficient in South Africa Slovakia has the lowest Gini co-efficient Share of Americans who believe most people are better off in a market economy Share of Spanish who believe most people are better off in a market economy Contact...
Nigeria Poverty Statistics and Poverty Rate In Nigeria Nigeria is a great country in Africa, there is no doubt about that fact. However, when talking about Nigeria in terms of the poverty level in the country, this country is nowhere to be found. Nigeria is the most populous country in Afr...
Three years ago, South Africa embarked on its second decade of democracy, announcing objectives that included halving both the unemployment rate and the poverty rate by2015. Meeting these objectives poses major policy challenges. This paper formallyestablishes key requirements for an accelerated poverty ...
Roughly 84% of people experiencing extreme poverty live in sub-Saharan Africa or South Asia.3 Worldwide, the poverty rate is three times higher in rural areas than in urban cities.4 One out of every 27 children will die before reaching the age of 5, mostly frommalnutritionand other preventa...
Energy Poverty in the Arab World: The Case of Yemen While much of the emphasis of the literature on energy poverty is on the prevalence of the phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, little has been written about energy poverty in the Arab world. Traditionally having being seen a....