We also examine whether government assistance differentials for sexual minorities are homogeneous for bisexual and lesbian/gay individuals, identifying disparities that may face a subset of sexual minorities but be obscured in overall figures. Finally, we use data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic...
Last week, theOffice for National Statistics (ONS) released figuresshowing that, between 2010 and 2013, a third of the UK population experienced income poverty. During this four-year period, 19.3 million people had a disposable income of below 60% of the national median at some point. These ...
The data used here, from UK National Statistics (UK Gov, 2022; HMRC, 2022) and other government sources, does not take account of undeclared income, or income hidden in tax havens and complex exotic financial instruments. Indeed, clear figures for even the tax-declared income of the highest...
As Figures 3a and 3b clearly demonstrate, this was a weak foundation to base any model on, since intrinsically each of the three expenditure modes, cereals, other foods, and non-foods, abide completely different distribution functions. In other words, any self-consistent measure of poverty needs...
Whither Poverty in Great Britain and the United States? The Determinants of Changing Poverty and Whether Work Will Work Scholars emphasize that poverty in Britain has risen sharply since the late 1970s. Meanwhile in the United States, both official figures and traditional po... R Dickens,DT ...
Figures (2) Tables (24) Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6Show all tablesJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money Volume 89, December 2023, 101875Contribution to poverty alleviation: A waste or benefit for corporate financing?
Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Literature and context Investigation Discussion, policy implications, and recommendations Conclusions Data availability Notes References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary information Rights and permissions About this ...
Xin-Chen Li: first draft writing, review, editing, conceptualization, methodology, data acquisition; Yan-Yan Zhang: data acquisition, figures, review and editing; Qi-Yu Zhang: data acquisition, review and editing; Jing-Shu Liu: review and editing; Jin-Jun Ran: review and editing; Le-Fei ...
However, it is important to note that these estimates closely align with the figures reported by the WHO. Second, the study only performed a status analysis of the eight high-burden TB countries in the results section, without examining the risk factors. Third, the prediction model used in ...
6. Discussion and recommendations 7. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgement Data availability ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (29) Figures (3) Tables (6) Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6Energy...