比【贫穷的本质】更尖锐,直击问题的内核。 【推荐书】Poverty by America,比【贫穷的本质】更本质。推荐本书【Poverty by America】,2023年出版的。作者是:MatthewDesmond,普林斯顿大学社会学教授。这本书的野心是试图回答这个问题:贫困究竟是什么?并且把固有的认知进行【拨乱反正】路边乞讨的穷人真的就是好吃懒做或者...
他们带走他们的税金,令到城市的学校资金不够慢慢衰落(美国的公立学校的主要经费是地税)。Zoning law确保在高收入的地区只能建立昂贵的独立房子,而不可以建造apartment这些廉价的房子令到低收入
Poverty in America: a Handbook.(Book Review)Fodor, EvaSocial Forces
Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond Crown. Mar. 2023. 304p. ISBN 9780593239919. $28. ECON COPY ISBN Pulitzer Prize–winning sociologist Desmond (Evicted) argues that poverty exists in the United States because wealthy people benefit from it. While the United States ranks among the richest ...
Poverty in America: A Handbook (review) In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Reviewed by Eva Fodor Poverty in America: A Handbook . By John Iceland. Universit... E Fodor - 《Social Forces》 被引量: 6发表: 2004年 Poverty in America: A handbook: Third ...
Job, of course, never had a turkey—poor or otherwise—as the bird is a native of North America. A variation is poor as Job’s cat. Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:...
rica (Book Review). Poverty and Inequality in Latin America (Book Review).Poverty and Inequality in Latin America (Book Review).Reviews the book `Poverty and Inequality in Latin America,' edited by Victor E. Tokman and Guillermo O'Donnell....
The War on Welfare: Family, Poverty, and Politics in Modern America (review) Chappell locates a male-breadwinner family model at the center of antipoverty work and welfare reform throughout the era about which she writes. Her ... MB Katz - 《Journal of Social History》 被引量: 0发表: ...
No abstract is available for this item.doi:10.1080/01944363.2014.954466NelsonArthur C.Journal of the American Planning Association
By Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2013. Pp. 169. $24.00 (... Roth,Benjamin - 《Social Service Review》 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 Confronting Suburban Poverty in America – Edited by Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube, Washington, DC: Brookings...