Previous literature has established that lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people are at least as likely to be poor as heterosexual people, standing in cont
The $29.00 Vegan Poverty Challenge: Classism, Patriarchy and Animal Rights Posted onApril 17, 2015byMicheleM By Dr. C. Michele Martindill Let’s play the Gwyneth Paltrow Game, the ultimate food challenge! In this game each one of us has exactly $29.00 to spend on our food for one week...
The challenge that rural residents face is in accessing healthcare services, which contributes to health disparities. Barriers to healthcare result in unmet healthcare needs, including a lack of preventive and screening services and treatment of illnesses. A vital rural community is dependent on the...
Notes Income Evaluation Question is often defined as “Please try to indicate what you consider to be an appropriate amount for your household for each of the following cases. ___ very bad; ___ bad; ___ insufficient; ___ sufficient; ___ good; ___ very good”. Minimum Income Question...
as a source of support in old age. Employment in large-scale industries atlow wagesmeant that few could afford to save for their old age; indeed, most people worked until they no longer could, because of disability, old age, or both. Thus industrialization created a growing class of ...
Our first entry was about demographics, which is a challenge in China (as well as inthe U.S.,Europe, andelsewhere). Today, let’s look at what China can teach us about inequality, and we’ll start withthis chartfrom the folks at Oxford who runOur World in Data. ...
Their views may be summarized as the "5Ds": Determined Leadership, Detailed Blueprint, Development Oriented, Data-based Governance and Decentralized Delivery. Combatting poverty is a global and millennium challenge. Its theoretical undertakings will never end. We hope that the Studies will stimulate ...
Notes China’s official national rural poverty standard is defined as a per capita annual net income of less than 2300 CNY (in 2010 constant prices). Source: Energy poverty is defined as energy expenditure divided by the total income (ratio) ...
The growing epidemic of the inflammation-related metabolic disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, presents a challenge to improve our understanding of potential mechanisms or biomarkers to prevent or better control this age-associated disease. A gelsolin isoform is secreted into the plasma as part of the...
Fourth, while research on the antecedents of necessity entrepreneurship has investigated the factors that push people into entrepreneurship (Block et al.,2015), it has largely been silent on the impacts of these efforts (Welter et al.,2017). Our findings challenge the assumptions underlying this ...